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the bright lights of the "hospital" lights belt down into her skin as she blinked gently, eyes peering over her dressing gown

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the bright lights of the "hospital" lights belt down into her skin as she blinked gently, eyes peering over her dressing gown. Sitting up with pure speed she looked around at the strange faces, not finding a memory of seeing any of them. Silently she began to panic, this wasn't where she had fallen asleep, what happened to the leather couch? all she could remember was sitting down and watching her favourite tv show Teen wolf with her father before falling asleep like usual.

"Miss Brewer, please calm down, you are fine." as she felt disoriented she met eyes with a male, aged around 60 with nearly complete black irises which sent shivers down her spine as she continued to feel her heart rate rise rapidly

"where am I?" she rasped, half gasping for air looking at the team of doctors that were still staring at her thin body. Her hair was sprawled around her, perched on her shoulders messily but providing her with a scent of herself and not the hospitals detergent.

"you were diagnosed with a cancer near your heart and we had to operate straight away" she couldn't believe the words tipping out of his mouth behind the blue mask that covered his lips. still with an explanation she kept panicking, struggling to swallow.

"Please Iris, take a few breaths you are fine" the leader of the doctors tipped his safety glasses back and she saw her reflection. she was pale and in need of sleep and sun.

"doc, should we give her a combination of Ativan, Haldol, and Benadryl?" her heart felt like it was about to beat out of her chest, the monitor rising rapidly as he shook his head slight but still lept from the bed in defence.

"Don't touch me." she snapped heaving as her chest pumped up and down. The lead doctor turned around as the other assistants began to step away from their patient, making eye contact with the scared girl. she flickered her gaze until she stared at her reflection again in his wide brimmed glasses, only to be met with her own flaming irises. the spirit of fire ran around the pupils in her eyes and her skin radiated at a blazing temperature. she sobbed staring at herself, what was happening?

"the surgery was a success."

the girl rest asleep in the middle of the Baobab tree she always returned to at sunset as the howl of the owl echoed through the trees, letting her know it was time to try and regenerate. perched up on the highest branch of the large tree the bird was like an omen of her parents to protect her from the dangers of her life that she lead. sweat dripped down her forehead as her face scrunched in distress of her reoccurring nightmare, the moonlight descending on her face as her body flushed hot.

"quick we must do tests, seize her." he whispered sending the assistants forward in attempt to grab the frightened girl. a lady with a hair net on first tried to grab her wrist but in fear was thrown back into the bed with a scream, her arm and hand burning from the power Iris emitted. a tan skinned tall man began to loom next, weary of the consequences his co-staff had just received but with a yell was pushed away with a slash to the stomach of boils caused from heat a human couldn't survive. his scream pulsed through the vents of the hospital but before any more assistants could be hurt, the head of surgery plunged a needle of the suggested medication from an assistant into the vein in her neck, streaming into her blood stream as she kept sobbing.

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