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Iris breathed in the fresh air of the mississippi river, watching the dark water flow past her with a strong undercurrent, drifting past continuously

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Iris breathed in the fresh air of the mississippi river, watching the dark water flow past her with a strong undercurrent, drifting past continuously. her head felt free of thought and calmness but her heart felt full of emotions she didn't want to feel. closing her eyes, she lets the environment sink into her skin as she lies against the cold rock. she didn't get many moments alone anymore, the past month and a half flying as summer was rolling in. everything was quiet when it was just her and she felt okay to be in her head unlike she used to be. tracing the water with a fingertip she silently pressed the flame, exiting her hand, steam rising in a result.

she hated that she thought of Jack as she tried to control her mind and power but since the second night he saved her she realised she couldn't choose how she felt or was controlled. it had dictated her life for so long and she was unreliable until now. rolling over to watch her mystical power create steam on the water, she huffed wondering if it really was so special. all she'd done was kill, never any good. leaning both hands over, she played with the steam, smiling slightly at the sight of it and enjoying herself. she decided she probably should head back since she had been for over half an hour and they might be worried about her disappearance.

they had found a small campsite along the river early, hoping to have a good feed again and regenerate for the next day of heading towards louisiana which Jack's family apparently lived in the adult boundary. As she began to walk through the trees, she lifted her shirt noticing the bright pink scare now across her stomach and felt relieved that it was no longer a scab but a closed wound. The bark crunches underneath her feet as she strides past the landmarks she'd mentally made all the way back to the camp. Around 15 meters away she heard something move along the bush line. She stayed quiet walking quietly along the path she'd made earlier, her eyes pierced in fear as she crept slowly along with speed.

"IRIS!!! RUN!" her blood ran cold with the sound of Zach's voice screaming into the dead air.
as her head spiralled with words, a young girl she'd seen before sprinted directly at her from the rustling bushes. armed with a bow and arrow she shot rapidly, Iris trying to duck and weave unnaturally to miss the sharp silver ends. She ran with lightning feet as Iris picked herself up the ground to be face to face with the blonde haired lunatic. Her smile curved cruelly as she tightened the string of her bow, an arrow placed in the middle, the end pointing straight at Iris's heart. Her pulse was instantly in her ears as she stared at this girl whom had nothing but a monster in her mind. Trying to calm down the two moved in a circle, their gazes never shifting from each other.

"IRIS!!" she heard the scream again, her heart intensifying with the look in the girls eyes. she wondered how long they would stay like this, the girl had no reason not to shoot her arrow but the entertainment of how scared her 'prey' was fulfilling to her as she teased Iris's emotions. However she was wrong in thinking that she was afraid and lost in fear; the brunette girl sketched a plan in her brain, it took 961.8 degrees to melt silver and if she summoned enough heat in her body to force it she would reach around 1000 which would also light the wood of the bow and arrow on fire burning her hands.

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