342 9 5

by alluring heart

official release date;
the 16th of January, 2019


He hated the feeling in his chest as he saw her chin tremble like a small child hands clutching at his hoodie.

"I'm helping you, please I'm trying" he sobbed slightly he couldn't bear to see her like this, she wasn't laughing like she was hours before or telling witty jokes. she was suffering and that was what broke Jack his chest heaving in heavy breathes

"don't cry jack, you are brave" her eyes were open staring up at him but she was floating in and out of conscience. her hand grabbing his,

"I'm not, I can't fight and protect like Jonah, I can't look after others like Zach and Corbyn and there is no way I can ever be Daniel. I can't be brave." He whispered to her grabbing a rag with his spare hand and whipping her forehead of the sweat.

"you can't be.. brave if you've only had good- things happen to you" she began to whisper closing her eyes again but the words striking his heart.

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