Chapter 9

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Ananya's POV 

    At end of the movie, I was clutching Harry's arm so tight that it had gone all red. Every now and then I would bury my head in his shoulder. I mean, that movie was so scary! Anyway, so I was glad that the movie was over and wandered off to the kitchen to make myself a snack.

    Harry followed me into the kitchen and helped me. "So what do you wanna do now?" He asked.

"Umm. I don't know. I was thinking of going shopping today, you know cuz there are sales going on everywhere and I really need some new clothes. You wanna come?"

"Well, I don't have anything better to do, so okay" He grinned at me.

 So we left the house and drove to the mall in Harry's car. There was silence in the car, not an awkward one though, a comfortable silence. I got bored after a while and turned on the radio.

"The next song, the super hit single What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction" The radio jockey announced.

"You're insecure, don't know what for, you're turning heads when you walk through the do-o-or

Don't need make up, to cover up, being the way that you are is enough" I started singing.

"Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you"  Harry joined me.

And we sang on the top of our voices. I swear at least a hundred old ladies gave me the death glare whatever YOLO.

We reached the mall and i dragged Harry into each and every shop possible but well he didn't have the right to complain. He volunteered to come. I tried on million of things and finally came across the nicest dress ever. I was still in the trial room and I threw the dress out to Harry. By the time I was out he was no where to be seen i looked around and finally saw a curly haired guy standing outside the shop with a bag in his hand.

"Oh my god Harry you shouldn't have bought that for me"

"But you looked so um uh you know uhh"

"But still why?" Without answering my question he walked away. I admit that after shopping anyone would love an amazing meal so I was making my way to the Pizza joint when we were attacked and by that I mean a complete Tom and Jerry scene and in this case we were Jerry. Harry without hesitation grabbed my hand and ran and I swear to God, if that guy will ever fail as, a singer which would never happen because od his sexy husky voice, but anyway he can run as an olympist. We ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and kept on running till I gave up. I was ready to be eaten alive by teenage ninjas but no I will not run more.

     By the time we stopped running we had reached his car. We sat in and Harry drove like a mad man. We reached his apartment which was mine too like you know the same building haha you get it but we ran into his house and shut the door and ran into his room I actually don't know why we were still running. WEIRD.

      Anyway, I just flopped down on his bed cuz I was like really tired. I mean I can dance for hours and hours without taking a break, but running? Now that I hate.

"That was a close call" Harry said panting and sitting down next to me.

"Yeahh, those girls would've eaten me alive. Jealous fangirls." 

Harry shifted closer to me "Who wouldn't be jealous?"

I blushed and had no idea what to say. "Uhh, thanks, I guess" I mumbled.

He leaned in closer and our faces were not very far apart. I could feel his warm breath against my face and I have to agree I stopped breathing for a moment, he leaned in to kiss me, but I pushed him away. I had absolutely no time for boys in my life at the moment. I told Nikki to stay away from boys, so it was not right for me to do the same. 

Harry had this hurt, sad, confused expression on his face. I had to explain myself, I mean he obviously would want to know why did I do it.

"Okay, Harry, I'm sorry. I can understand that it was a bit weird of me to that, but I have my priorities. I have worked my ass off to get here, to get that scholarship and now I can't lose all of that by getting involved with a boy. This is what I wanted all of my life. This is what I live for. If I do even the slightest mistake, my world will be shattered in seconds. I'm really sorry Harry, I really I am. And in the most clichéd manner that it may sound, we can still be friends, really good friends. And trust me, I mean it. I just don't have time for a commitment right now."

"Yeah,uhh, I totally get it. Uhh, no problem babe. We will uhh still be friends right? So its uhh, its totally fine with me." Though he said all that, I knew that inside he was hurt and I hated myself for it. But I had no other choice, its not like I wanted to break his heart or something but I just couldn't lie to him either.

I hugged him, picked up my stuff and left. I had leave before the situation got any more awkward.

Harry's POV 

Wow. I am such an idiot and to think that I was gonna ask this girl out. I mean seriously? What is wrong with me? I mean I know that I really really liked this girl, but I don't know what was I thinking when I went to kiss this girl. I mean I met her like 2 days back. I am so stupid. I just like this girl, I don't love her. I mean even if I do I have to pretend that I don't cuz I can't afford losing this girl. If she wants to be just friends, we'll be friends. 





NIKKI and ANANYA. :) Xx 

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