Friend or Foe

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I yawn as I slowly blink my eyes open, only to be greeted by the sun shining in my face. "I really need to find some curtains or something" I think to myself as I sit up and stretch my sore limbs. "You would think that sleeping on the floor so many times already, I would be used to it by now" I think out loud as I get up and peer through the boarded window.

I get dressed in my usual outfit, my dark purple hoodie, black beanie, black leggings and a pair of old black and purple Nike running shoes that I found in the alley next to my place. And by 'my place' I mean the abandoned apartment building I live in. Once I'm done getting dressed I head over to my so called "bathroom". Even though this place has been abandoned for a few years now, the water system still works, it's freezing cold, but at least it works. I look at myself in the cracked mirror, a pair of bright violet eyes stare back at me as I take in my appearance. I take my beanie off to reveal my silky wavy cocoa-coloured hair is a mess of knots and frizz and my tan mocha skin, pale from lack of sunlight. My dark chocolate brown tail sways lazily behind me as my pointed wolf ears twitch at the sound of a car passing by. I shake my head and attempt to run a hand through my mess of hair. Key word "attempt". "Well I can't go out looking like this now can I?" I say to myself as I back up from the mirror slightly.

My bones start to shift and change as fur grows on my body, my nails grow into claws as my teeth change into fangs. This all happens in less than a couple seconds, but I'm aware of all of it. I climb up to the sink and look in the cracked mirror to see the same bright violet eyes looking back at me, except this time those eyes belong to a little dark brown wolf pup, bigger than your average wolf pup, about the size of a small medium size dog. My pale mocha skin and cocoa hair now replaced with beautiful dark chocolate brown fur. I shake my fur and run a fluffy paw over my snout. I then jump down from the sink and shift back into my human form. My hair is miraculously, perfectly brushed out and clean, this happens every time I shift.

You see, I have three forms, My human form, My wolf pup form and My full wolf form. Some simple minded humans would call me a "werewolf" but they would be greatly mistaken. I am in fact a wolf shifter, sorta like a shapeshifter except I can only shift into a wolf. First things first, let's talk about some key things you should know about wolf shifters, or more specifically, me. First off I don't go around biting people and turning them into "werewolves" since like I said before, I'm not one. Second I can shift whenever and wherever I please. Third I don't attack people nor do I have a humanoid-wolf-monster looking form that stands on two legs, because as I mentioned before, not a "werewolf". Oh yeah. Almost forgot to mention, my clothes don't rip off when I shift, they kinda just shift with me I guess? I don't really know but I'd rather not question it. Anyway...

With my hair tamed, I tuck down my ears, put my beanie back on and tuck my tail into my oversized hoodie. As I make my way to the door of my "home" I tug my hoodie down a bit more, self continuously. I open my door to reveal a dark hallway of other run down, abandoned apartment doors. I don't bother locking my door seeing as no one is gonna try to break into an abandoned building. I make my way through the old apartment door across from mine, out the window and onto the fire escape. I climb up onto the roof and take a deep breath a fresh air, well, as fresh as it can be for New York that is. A small breeze ruffles my wavy curls while I look out over the city that never sleeps.

It's only sunrise so there are still shadows to hide in as I jump from roof to roof, I do a couple flips and stuff along the way, just for fun. I am definitely no ninja, but I'd like to think that I'm pretty darn good at traveling by rooftop. I guess that's to be expected though, I have been doing it since I was 10. It also helps that I used to practice gymnastics before I became a mutant. That's a story for another time though.

I slow as I finally make it near my destination, I'm still a few blocks away but I can already smell the delicious food being prepared. By now it's only about 7 or 8 am but the streets are already starting to fill with people. I take a quick look around and listen for any possible witnesses. Finding none I grow my claws and hop off the roof, sliding down the brick alley wall, my claws making a quiet grinding sound against the concrete as I go. I jump off the wall just before I hit the ground and land almost soundlessly in a low crouch. I get up, retract my claws and dust off my pants casually as if I totally didn't just jump of a 6 story building. I quickly check again to make sure that nobody saw me before making my way out onto the slightly busy side walk. The people who are walking don't bother to glance up from their phones, if they did they would probably notice the random teenage girl that just happened to walk out of a alley way with a dead end, but they don't and that's fine by me. I walk a couple blocks following the delicious sent of Japanese cuisine.

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