Chapter 11

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It's been five days since Cupid and Alex brought me here and slowly some of the puzzle pieces are coming together. They say my mother was killed by those searching for me and not the building collapse.

I asked about why they were searching for me, but I was only ever given the vague answer that it was because of my father. They refused to give me any more information about who exactly they are and who my dad really is.

I gave up asking three days ago.

Aphrodite explained that the less I knew for know the better. She didn't want me to go searching for my father. This did not suppress my curiosity at all.

It only took a day for me to grow bored in the house. It was large from what I could see and there were lots of windows that revealed a large forest of pine trees, but I could find no doors that lead to the outside. There were also plenty of bedrooms and bathrooms, a large office, and a small library stocked with mostly romance novels. After exploring all the rooms and not finding a single phone (I could not convince any of my keepers to give me mine), I gave up looking for an exit. I did manage to find a tv that had every channel or streaming service I could imagine. I got bored with that by the third day.

I haven't seen Cupid at all, Alex is rude to me, and I think Jess is avoiding me. I ended up spending more time with Aphrodite. She usually works in the mornings and relaxes in the afternoons. She's almost always eating, but shows no signs of it in her appearance. I've started to help her organize things in her office. I've learned that she has power over romantic relationships. She matches people together and can cause them to feel short term emotions like, lust or that feeling when you have a crush, but nothing permanent can form.

While we work she sometimes tells me things about the gods. When she told me that my father was a god, I was shocked, but after a while it seemed less improbable. She explained that they oldest record of her and the others comes from the Greeks. There are lots of gods and goddesses but there are thirteen very important ones. The Olympians and Hestia, goddess of the Hearth. Hestia gave up her seat as an Olympian to another. The Olympians are led by Zeus, king of the gods and the skies. He was the one I definitely didn't want to meet, besides Hades, god of death, because he could control lightning.

When I would ask her about Jess, she would simply shake her head and tell me that it was not her right to share that information.

I was worried at first about school, but apparently the school was told that I went on a study abroad trip. My Aunt Grace was told that I was on a school trip. At this point, keeping up with school work was the least of my concerns.

•    •    •

The tv was on and playing some old monster movie when Cupid came back. It's hard to explain, but the my heart seemed to flip whenever I saw him, but I assumed that would happen with any male child of Aphrodite. Still, it was startling. He smiled at me and I smiled back as he sat by my feet at the end of the couch.

"Whatcha watching?" He asked. It was odd, did he really think he could just start a conversation like that after he's been gone for five days?

"Nosferatu," I answered, deciding to just go with it, "It's about vampires."

"I know, I watched it when it came out."

I rolled my eyes quickly, "Sure you did."

"No, Hannah I really did," he told me.

"Cupid , this movie came out in 1922 and you're like what, eighteen? Nineteen, maybe?"

"I'm surprised the others haven't told you," he said and glanced away. He was nervous about something?

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