Chapter 9

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I awoke to nothing. No pain. No light. Nothing except for the bed underneath me. It was soft and warm and my limbs felt like they were each a thousand pounds. I groaned as I rolled onto my back and waited for my eyes to adjust to the darkness.

I try to recall the events of yesterday. Sebastian was really named Cupid, he believes in... something and for some reason he claims it involves my father, he thinks someone is chasing me and they broke into his house, and somehow Jess is involved as well. The idea that someone is searching for me is strange. I'm not anything special, at least I don't think so. All that's certain is this all started when Cupid came to town.

I sit up in bed and pull the covers away from my body, only to realize I wasn't wearing my clothes. I was dressed in a white silk shift. Slight panic set in as I realized that someone had undressed me, seen me naked.

I shuddered in disgust at the thought and slipped down off the bed. The wood floors were slightly cool. There were no windows in the room, but light filtered in from a door that was cracked open slightly. I headed towards it and pulled it open slowly.

The hallway was dimly lit with warm light. The white walls were blank. I turned right & started to walk down. It only took a few minutes for me to find a set of stairs. The only way to go was down, so that's what I did. When I reached the base, I had the same choice to go left or right. I glanced down each way. The right hall was completely dark but down the left hall I could see an open door. Light filled the left hall. So I walked towards it.

"If you're done snooping, you can come and sit with me," a clear voice echoed through the hall from the door as I neared it, making me jump. I could tell it was Cupid's mother, I had never heard a voice like hers before and I wasn't likely to forget the way it seemed to fill my head.

I scurried towards the open doorway to see her lounging on a blank white sofa. The entire room was very white, only a few red accents making it seem less like a hospital.

"Sorry..." I mumbled as I started surveying the furniture for a place to sit when movement above Cupid's mother caught my eye. Babies were swirling about above her holding platters of food and pitchers of what I assumed was wine.

"What are those?" I managed to squeak out as I stare up at them.

"They're cherubs," she replied cooly and reached up to pinch one of their chubby cheeks, "my servants." The floating toddler grinned & poured more wine into her glass.

"Where did they come from?" I ask as I watch their little white wings flutter in an effort to support their pudgy bodies.

"I make them out of clouds," she says, "But enough about them. Sit. Eat. Have a drink."

I glanced around again, preparing to point out that there were no other chairs, when I noticed that a matching white armchair had appeared behind me. I sank down into it & watched as two cherubs fluttered over. One pushed a wine glass into my hand and filled it as the other handed me what looked like a cranberry scone. I was quite hungry, so I bit some off. It was heavenly, light and fluffy, the cranberries were ripe, and the icing on top was perfectly sweet. I looked down at my drink, it was a dark peach color that looked almost like orange juice. I took a curious sip. The taste was indescribable. It was sweet and smooth and felt sort of fiery as I swallowed. Immediately I started to feel more awake, like I had just downed a five hour energy.

"What is this?" I asked & looked up at Cupid's mother. I could tell she had been eyeing me the entire time.

"It's called ambrosia," she explained, "It will make you feel better."

I nod & smile a little down at my drink, "I already do." I took a larger sip & savored it in my mouth. "So you're Cupid and Alex's Mom?"

"I am," she answers, "My name is Aphrodite, goddess of love."

My eyes widen and I nearly choke on my drink. "For real!?" I ask incredulously.

"Of course, you don't think I would lie to you?" She asks with a fiery look in her eyes.

"No! No! Of course not," I rush to answer, "I'm just sort of new to this all!" I gulp & watch her face relax. I finish off my cranberry scone and continue to sip the ambrosia. She doesn't say anything for a few minute so I break the silence, "I'm Hannah."

"I know."

I nod. Of course. Cupid told her.

"So, why am I here?" I ask, "I mean, I know Cupid thinks that I'm being hunted but surely there's got to be some sort of misunderstanding."

"There are no misunderstandings when it comes to the Gods," she say, giving me a sharp look, "Your father fell in love with a mortal and had a child out of wedlock."

I gulp and give a small nod, bringing up my dad hurt, but I needed to know.

"Who was he?" I ask & take another sip from my glass, only I wouldn't get my answer quite yet.

"Mother," a very familiar voice comes from the doorway. I nearly choke on my drink for the second time and whirl around to face the new arrival.



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Really trying to just write my story & not worry too much about editing or getting the dialogue perfect.

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