Chapter 7

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“It isn’t breaking in, it’s taking desperate measures!” Mae protested. “Do you want me to help you plan your party or not?”

“Okay, okay. Venue first, and Stanky’s out.” Dawn spun around in her desk chair.

“Aw, you have the spinning chairs? That’s not fair, my mom won’t let me get a spinning chair for my desk.”

“Well, Ricky bought himself a spinning chair with the money he made from who knows where, and Nicky, Dicky and I complained because it wasn’t fair, and then mom and dad went and bought us these for our ninth birthdays, except Ricky, who got a microscope instead.” Dawn said. “So… if you want a spinning chair, I’d be happy to let you borrow Ricky for the next century or so.”

Dawn. Your brothers are already mad at you, don’t let them hear you trying to barter them off.” Mae warned. “We were talking about the party venue?”

“Oh, right, venue.” Dawn shook her head, trying to clear it. “I can’t think of any. I really only know of Stanky’s for parties.”

“What about here?” Mae asked.

“What, in my room?”

No.” Mae said slowly, “The store!”

“Harper’s Get Sporty? No, mom and dad will never go for that.” Dawn shook her head.

“Well you don’t have to shoot every one of my ideas down like that, Dawn.” Mae pouted.

“Sorry, sorry, go on. Hey, why don’t we do it at your house?”

“…my house?” Mae repeated.

“Yeah! It’ll be perfect. Your parents are cool, and I bet we can hold it down in your basement, right?” Dawn leaned forwards eagerly. “Right, Mae?”

“Mmm… I guess so…” Mae said thoughtfully, tapping the pencil against her chin. “Fine, we can have it at my house, but Stanky’s right down the block.” She scribbled it down on the pad.

“Uh, shouldn’t you ask your mom first?” Dawn asked.

“Oh, right.” Mae reached into her bag and pulled out a cellphone.

“I still don’t think it’s fair that you should have a phone and I don’t.” Dawn said enviously, tucking her hands beneath her thighs.

“If you get a phone, your brothers’ll have to get phones, too.” Mae reasoned as she tapped out a text and sent it. “I’m an only child, so it isn’t a buy-one-buy-three thing all the time.”

“Stop, don’t make me wish my brothers away any more.” Dawn rolled her eyes a bit.

“It’s their birthday, Dawn.”

“It’s my birthday too, Mae.”

Downstairs in the store, Nicky, Ricky and Dicky were having a meeting.

“I don’t see why she wants her own party.” Nicky fumed, “We were born together, we should have the party together.”

Nicky, Ricky, Dicky and Dawn BirthdayWhere stories live. Discover now