Chapter 17

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“Hey!” Dawn looked down at the cake. There, underneath her brothers’ names, was ‘DAWN’, written in pink frosting. “You didn’t wipe my name off!”

“Why would we?” Ricky smiled. “It’s your birthday too. Plus, you baked the cake.”

“Oh, Dawn, I’m so sorry, I only found three number candles in the pantry!” Anne exclaimed.

“It’s okay, Mrs. Harper.” Jasmine smiled, holding up the glass dish with the distressed pie in it. “I brought this from Dawn’s party. It has a number candle right on it!”

“Fantastic!” Anne put the pie next to the cake. “Your party may not have worked out, but at least you’ll  have your own cake… pie…!”

“No I won’t.” Dawn yanked the candle off the pie and pushed it into the cake, right underneath her name. “It’s only right if we blow out our candles together.” She told her mother.

“Yeah.” Nicky grinned, putting his two arms around Dawn and Dicky, who were on either side of him.

“We came into this world together--” Dicky started,

“And we ought to turn ten in it together as well.” Ricky finished.

The four closed their eyes, wished, and blew the candles out. The smoke twirled into the air from each glowing candle-tip, and Brian Harper picked up the knife.

“Who wants cake!?” He called.

The End.

Nicky, Ricky, Dicky and Dawn BirthdayWhere stories live. Discover now