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"BIIITTTCHHHHH" roxanne yelled as she ran into violets room at 1AM, with her phone in her hand.

"what the hell do you want?" violet groaned as she moved her covers over her face as roxanne turned the bedroom light on before sitting on the bed.

"WELLLLLLLLL...I just wanted to talk about our lives, how brandon is single and now you can swoop in, and when we should go grocery shopping" roxanne smiled innocently as violet came from under the covers giving her the biggest stink face.

"bitch- we can go grocery shopping at any fucking time it's one a- did you just say that   I can swoop in and steal my man?"violet asks now interested and wide awake.

the two girls talk about the different things they'd do to get their mans until 4AM when a certain shark toothed boy called roxannes phones, she being roxanne almost immediately answered.

"hola mamissssss!" nicks voice rang through the phone causing the two to laugh at him.

"nick why are you so damn close to the camera and why are you up at 4 in the morning?" violet asked laughing at her bestfriend.

"its 4? I thought it was at least 5 there..." nick shrugged as he walked infront of a window that was already had sunlight coming through.

"where are you?" roxanne questioned the boy as he looked down and smiled deviously at the camera.

"im in new york" the boy made a face that told the girls that he wasn't supposed to be there.

"why are you in new york nick?" violet asked recording the conversation on her instastory.

"I dont even know! I just got on a flight last night" nick shrugged like he didn't just fly across the country for no reason.

"boy- wheres the other guys?" roxanne asked as she took a screenshot of his face.

"at the house in cali" nick responded causing the girls to burst out in a fit of laughter.

"this boy stupid"

almost immediately, violets phone began to ring with edwins contact name and picture popping up.

"dont answer it!" nicks voice rang through the phone just as edwins face popped up on violets screen.

"I am genuinely pissed..." edwin sighed as he ate a poptart, mean mugging everything he looked at causing the two girls to laugh at his expression.

edwin laid on his bed, eating a poptart, wearing a zebra bonnet while, rick and morty played in the background.

"why are you pissed?" nick asked rolling his eyes making edwin jump from hearing his voice.

"nick where the hell are you? we've been looking for you since 1 am..." edwin sighed as he took another bite of his poptart.

"it dont look like it" roxanne laughed at the boys. they truly were a mess.

"IM IN NEW YORK!" nicks voice rang through the phone just as zion and austin walked into edwins room.

"nick bring your ugly ass back to cali we got things to do tomorrow!" zion yelled through the phone scaring edwin.

"oh shit! we have our surprise tomorrow...okay im coming back" nick got off of his hotel bed and started to gather his things just as austin spoke up.

"what a fucking dumbass"


nick is me on
a daily...

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