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6 1/2 months later

violets phone began to ring nonstop, all coming from the same person, rayaan. "answer the fucking phone!" roxanne yelled from her room, even on a different floor she could hear the ring.

"hello?" violet groggily sat up as she heard loud music come through the speaker of her phone.

"VIOLET?! AREN'T YOU IN A RELATION- HOLD ON....bitch move...okay im outside, aren't you in a relationship?" rayaan asked the girl as she looked back at the house party she walked out of.

"yeah, I see my boo in a few days!" violet smiled to herself, it's only been 6 months but the boys were on the second leg of tour bringing the to the uk, so violet was more than excited to see her boyfriend.

"is he about 5'7? glasses...nose ring and silver chains?" rayaan asked hoping that she had seen a different guy at the party.

"yep, why?"

"hes here...but, he's with another girl...tongue deep" rayaan sighed as she heard shuffling in the back ground of the phone.

"hello?" rayaan asked as a minute of silence went by.

"send me the address".

within two seconds, violet had the address. roxanne walked up the stairs to see why her best friend was being so loud but stopped when she realized that violet was fully dressed.

"who we fighting tonight?" roxanne asked the girl putting on a random hoodie and her slides.

"we aren't fighting anyone, we're breaking some hearts tonight."

the two girls got into the car and were off "so what did arreaga do?" roxanne asked her best friend trying to grasp the situation, their driver, timothy was listening in so he'd know if he'd have to call the girls' body guards.

"rayaan just called and said that he's at a party with a girl" that was all vio had to say. roxanne was beyond pissed...why the fuck would arreaga cheat?!

as they pulled up to the party, the girls jumped out of the car...scaring timothy and ran to the front door where rayaan waited for them.

"almost everyones gone, he's just in there with a few others, their in my living room" rayaan halfheartedly smiled as she let the girls into the house.

roxanne and vio walked to the living room, they couldn't automatically say he was cheating because they didn't know for a fact.

"vio? Roxy?!" Austins voice came out in confusion as he saw the girls in the hallway.

"uh oh.." Austin sighed before turning around going into the kitchen, he didn't want anything to do with it.

the girls walked into the living and Brandon was indeed cuddled up with another girl, the other boys were in the back yard.

"what the fuck, Brandon?" violets blood began to boil as Brandon looked her in the eye. his face went from happy, to sad, to scared.

"shit...vio, I can explain" brandon stood up, pushing the girl off of him.

"cmon honey" roxanne smiled at the girl taking her to the backyard.


"well, I cant but, just know I still love you" brandon smiled at his girlfriend but violet was having it

"no...Brandon you dont. if you loved me, you would'nt have cheated. you would've for me to see you in literally 2 days. you wouldn't have stopped calling after the fourth month of me being gone. if you loved me you wouldve waited. fuck forever and always because always aint forever. you fucking hurt me, Brandon. we're done. okay? lose my number. pretend you dont know me anymore. you fucking knew about my past relationships and you did the same thing they all did. its over, after 2 years of friendship and love. its over. erase me from your fucking tiny ass mind okay?" violet spoke calmly, no tears falling. she was truly done.

Brandon stood in front of the girl that he loved, shocked and now heartbroken, he watched her walk away...

violet and roxanne went home that night, violet went straight to her room, locked the door and let it all out. he was the one that truly broke her. she didn't think that one of her idols could be the one to truly hurt her. but, he was.

in the end who was truly the rude one? feelings? brandon?...violet? who?

roxanne listened as her best friend cried for days, she helped her love herself again, she was there. thats all vio needed

okay so I cried

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