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"ROXXYYYYYYYY!!" violet yelled as she
walked into her apartment, smiling ear
to ear...she had just left her date with brandon
and was really hoping to see her bestfriend
but, all she got in return were a few

"oh hell to the no" violet mumbled to herself
as she literally dropped all her stuff
and speed walked into roxanne's

roxanne sat in her bed curled into a ball,
her covers over her head as she watched
the ending of the originals on

violet sighed before taking off her shoes
and jacket, getting in beside her best friend,
cuddling the girl as she felt her cry a
little harder.

"so you gonna tell me why you crying or?"
violet smiled knowing that roxanne would
probably say something snarky
in return.

"I dont like boys, vio...I don't how to
tell my mom...hell I cant even tell zion,
what if they hate me? my mom is so
important to me, v. what would she say? would
she disown me? zion is now like a close
person to me...would he hate me for who
I am? I tried so hard to like him in real life other than a screen but, I don't think my
mind and body works that way...and shit
I just came out to you! please dont
leave me..." roxanne cried a little harder
than before as violet wiped away her
tear, pulling her closer into a hug as the
two girls sat up.

"I could never leave you because of
your sexual preference, baby...roxanne your
mom is literally the nicest person in the
world, she loves you more than anything
and Zion is a very understanding dude,
he'll more than likely look at you like the
queen he already does...tell them when you're
ready, I'll be here for you. okay?"violet
asked turning to the girl, she had never knew
that roxy was going through this and most
definitely didn't want her to do it

"I love you bitch"

"and I aint never gonna stop loving you, bitch"


short  but i'm really not ready to end
this book so go with it🤧

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