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2 days after tour announcement, violet's room, 12:45 AM

violet began to put her jeans into her suitcase, where the hell was she going? to be honest, no one knew except her and her management. 

yep, violet was leaving. did anyone know? no. nope. not even a little. 

you're probably wondering if roxanne knows...she doesn't, she doesn't know that her roommate is up at 12 In the morning packing her bags to go to paris for a year, for her modeling career. 

well, not until now. 

roxanne walked into the house after leaving the boys' party, they were throwing a tour announcement party. in all honesty these boys party more than roxanne complains about peoples driving in california. 

violet told everyone that she wasn't feeling good as an excuse to stay in the house and pack without roxanne or any of the boys catching her. more specifically so brandon wouldn't catch her. 

violet had her headphones in as she packed different things into her ysl suitcase, not really listening out for roxanne to get home because she knew that nick or edwin would bring in a sleep roxanne at about 3am. 

"we're homeee!" roxanne yelled as her and nick looked at each other confused as to why violet hadn't left her room yet. 

the two went down the hall, leaving the door unlocked for the rest of the boys to come in the house and walked into violets room. 

"shit," violet mumbled as she quickly got off of her bed, taking out her headphones. "I can explain..." violet trailed off awkwardly as she looked around her room for an excuse...not being able to find one she just sighed and sat back on her bed, not looking either of her friends in the eye. 

"what happened to being sick?" nick whispered as he walked further into the room, roxanne locking the door coming in. 

"please dont tell any of the boys what im about to tell you guys," violet sat back on her bed after she put her suitcase under her bed so that if anyone entered the room they wouldn't see it. 

"im going to paris for modeling" violet looked down at her feet, scared of how her two friends would handle the news. 

Roxannes stone cold face broke into a smile as she heard the news. 

"thats so fucking good! this is all you've wanted since we were little...why are you hiding it?" roxanne asked violet as she pulled her into a hug. 

nick looked around violets room, he knew that she would've told everyone something like this...so what was holding her back? 

"for how long?"nick asked looking violet in the eyes as she bit her lip, her eyes almost in tears. 

"for a year" the girl bit back her tears just as she heard the rest of the boys entering the house. 

"BUBBBBB YOU UP?" brandons voice flowed through the house causing the three in the room to jump. 

"please don't tell him...you guys just Ann-" 

"we won't" nick reassured violet before hugging her. 

"im in here!" violet yelled as roxanne unlocked the door. 

all the boys pilled into the room smiling. 

"you okay bub?" Brandon asked the girl as she nodded her head a little too reassuring. 

"im fine" 

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