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AND FRIENDS🌈|| roxanne williams

"uh...hi youtube? its me, roxy and im here with another video... I like girls? that was a lot easier than I thought, saying it to a camera" roxanne laughed a little as she smoothed down a piece of her hair so it would stay down in her ponytail.

"as you can see by the title...I am going to be telling my family and friends! my bestfriend vio find out about two weeks ago. so now its time to tell everyone around me about whats been keeping me so distant" roxanne smiled at violet as she gave her a thumbs up from being the camera.

"first, I'm gonna tell the boys...or as some of y'all know, prettymuch the band" roxanne pulled out her phone and quickly called edwin, knowing he'd automatically answer her or violets calls.

"hey girly!" edwins voice flowed through the speakers causing roxanne to giggle.

"hey bub...are you and the guys in the house?" roxanne asked biting down on her lip, many would've thought that she'd call zion but, him and her decided almost four months into knowing each other to just stick to a simply platonic friendship. love wasn't for them at the time.

"yep we're at the home studio, chilling why do you sound nervous?" edwins questioned causing violet to laugh a little behind the camera.

"uh...gotta go, I love you Eddie bye!" roxanne quickly hung up her phone before throwing it onto the couch she sat on.

"lets go see the boys!"


roxanne made an awkward face at violet, then to the camera before the clip cut to her knocking on the boys door, austin immediately opened up and engulfed both roxanne and violet in a bear hug.

"I haven't seen you two in three daayyss!" austin pulled the girls closer into his body as nick and brandon coughed from behind him.

"what bitch?"

the girls laughed as they let go of austin and went to hug the other boys.

"I need everyone to go into the living room...I have some major news for you guys" roxanne exhaled before giving violet a slight smile as violet gave her a thumbs up from behind the camera.

"we have news for you girls too" brandon smiled at his girlfriend, gave her a kiss then walked into the living room.

the boys sat down giving roxanne their undivided attention, violet sitting behind roxanne so she could record each of their reactions.

"sooooooo...im bi? I just think I find both genders equally attractive...I wanna be able to love who I love when I do, no matter their gender. please dont hate me" roxanne closed her eyes and flinched as she watched zion jump up off the couch.

zion quickly embraced the girl in a hug, she didn't want to cry but, the gesture just brought out her tears.

"it's okay, rox...we still love you either way." zion rubbed the girls back as they hugged a little longer, soon enough all of the boys were in on the hug.

"awwww our wittleschnuckims honeybumkin tatertot frogfacefaced babymama is growing up!"edwins voice came out in a muffled yet legible way causing the group of friends to laugh.

after a while violet and b separated so he could tell her the news from earlier. "we're going on tour bub!"


"I love my fucking friends...anyways after this we watched a few movies, talked, chilled...now its time to see what happened with mi madre" roxanne smiled.


"hola mommy.." romane smiled slightly as her adopted mother smiled at her, roxanne was adopted when she was one after her birth mother was put into jail.

"hi baby, what was wrong earlier on the phone?" julia asked, putting a piece of roxanne's hair behind her ear as she examined her daughters face.

"so uh...you know how I always used to joke about one day I would marry the woman of my dreams, then I'd quickly say man?" roxanne asked thinking of one of the only ways to come out to her mom causing julia to laugh.

"yes sweetie I remember what you used to say at the age of four" julia chuckled as she thought of how roxanne was a cowboy for two years straight because she wanted to be woody from toystory more than jessie.

"I like girls." roxanne blurted out, doing the same thing she did to zion...closing her eyes and flinching.

julia on the other hand just picked up her coffee and drunk a little before giggling.

"its okay mija, I know that you like girls already, " julia shrugged as she looked at the now shocked roxanne.

"you think I've never seen your tweets about girls and guys or how you repost your favorite lesbian couples everywhere?" julia asked as roxannes eyes widened.

"so you knew... I feel kinda sad" roxanne laughed as she hugged her mom.

"okay bit- people that are watching this video...I came out to my friends and mom. don't forget to like comment and subscribe...turn on post notifications and tell me what you wanna see the next from me! byeeeee"

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