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The androids stood still as I pointed the gun at them. Kara was confused at my actions before they struck again, Alice kicked me when I wasn't expecting it leading to me dropping her and in the instance that I started to recover, the YK500 stood up and ran with Kara and the TR400 breaking free from the arms of Cole, Connor and Hank and running down the street. Hank and Connor began to ran after them immediately as Cole came to help me up "Y/N! Are you in need of medical assistance?" He asked me "Just my parents to kiss my bobo better" I returned sarcastically before Cole cupped my face and smashed his synthetic lips into mine for a moment before running after Hank and Connor to catch the deviant androids as I stood there recovering from Cole's actions.

After catching up with Cole, Connor and Hank we stood at a standstill as the three deviants separated "Hank, Connor after TR400!" I barked at them as me and Cole ran after Kara and the YK500. Kara and the child android kept running but couldn't outrun us, they ran up into a nightclub and ran up the stairs as we took off after them until they got to the roof and realised they could go no where "Alice run, please!" Kara begged the child Android "She can't go anywhere Kara! It's either come with us or get shot now!" I shouted over the howling winds as the two androids glanced at each other before putting their hands up "Good," I paused as I looked uncertain at Cole as he took out his handcuffs as well and we advanced towards the androids. Kara tried to dodge to the side but Cole dived on her, taking her down onto the floor to snap the handcuffs on her while Alice allowed it peacefully.

Connor and Hank made sure the three androids where stowed safely away in the cells in the station before going out for lunch while I retreated to my office with Cole. I sat down as Cole stood rigid near the door, I sighed at his behaviour and waved a hand towards the chair and he reluctantly sat in it "Y/N, I-" he started as I raised a hand to stop him "I'm not letting you make excuses for the kiss but I'm asking for did you want to do it?" I asked him as the Android hesitated it's answer "I will do whatever is necessary to help the humankind, you asked for assistance and I gave it" he stated as I rolled my eyes "Really? Come on Cole give a real answer" I asked him "do you know why Cole?" I added as he paused before shaking his head "I enjoyed it" I simply stated "Y/N, I must admit, your social life was very bleak after Jason and before I was assigned to you, am I making a difference?" He asked me as I widened my eyes "Cole, this isn't a discussion we should be having in my office" I paused thinking of an excuse "How about we go for dinner tonight" I offered "Like a date?" Cole assumed "if you would like to" I replied as the Android stood up "I will pay then" he returned before excusing himself from my office.

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