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Myself and most of the police force stood at the start of a dark tunnel leading through the city. The officers were chatting between each other as I waited for Cole, he promised to be here and I know that I won't be able to complete this without him. I glanced down at my feet as murmurs from the officers around me grew louder, I looked up for them all to part as Cole walked through the crowd, taller than all the officers around him, he was wearing a black uniform with his android numbers in white. He stopped in front of me and saluted me as I smiled at him "good morning Captain L/N" he greeted me "RK900, its good to see you again" I replied, trying to act professional with all the officers around us, glancing at our attitude towards each other "Cole your LED will shine like the sun in there so I recommend wearing a hat" I told him as he hesitated "I don't have a hat Ma'am" he replied as I bit my lip, trying to not laugh at his way of addressing me "Here have mine" I decided taking off my peak hat and placing it on his head, luckily it hid the led and a little bit off his hair "I'm ready Captain L/N" he finished as I smiled at him "now then, let's do this" I decided before turning to the entrance of the tunnel.

Drips of water were the only sound in the tunnel apart from our occasional footsteps as the team continued down the tunnel. A noise sounded from further down as I held my hand up as the team froze behind me as I heard a familiar voice
"Now you listen to me Robot! I am not to be messed with, now get back to the prisoner or find yourself in a mud ditch without any protection" the voice shouted as a glitchy sounding robot
"Yes sir! Sorry sir!" The glitchy voice said before scampering off down the tunnel before the other footsteps followed until they stopped suddenly. The team behind me held their breath as I heard a gun being drawn and I did the same before a shot was fired "Come out come out where ever you are" the voice said as I glanced back at Cole and the officers, I gave a small nod and ran out of the corner as I saw a glimpse of the person.

A few shots were fired as I jumped out of the hiding spot, all hitting me. I fell to the ground before the person began to run off down the corridor, Cole instantly took charge as he saw the gunshots fired "Alpha team proceed the corridor! I shall send in Bravo team and Charlie team to assist" He ordered, rushing to my side as I began to cough "Go!" He shouted at the hesitant officers before they did what they were told "Y/N please stay with me" He asked, his voice sounding more like a plead as he noticed the colour of my blood as it ran down the tear of my clothes. Cole placed his hand on the bullet hole as he looked at me, his eyes desperate "Cole, forget about me, complete the mission" I told him as I gripped onto his jacket sleeve while he put his hand on my back to support me "Y/N, you are my mission, my mission is to protect you and that is what I am doing" he replied, his voice quivering "don't leave me" he whispered as he dipped his head as I smiled at the Android "I'm not" I replied before blacking out.

Hope is seeing light
In spite of being surrounded by darkness

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