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I heard footsteps leave the room before knocking on a door, I opened the painting slightly so see Y/N there smiling "How did you find me?" I asked her as I smirked "At Kamski's or in a picture of, Kamski?" She asked me as I gritted my teeth before Connor started shouting at Kamski "I will find the RK900, mark my words Kamski!" Vowed Connor as I grabbed Y/N and pulled her up with me and closed the painting for the groans of Hank and footsteps of Connor to pass "Are you alright?" I asked her, analysing her bio components and other systems and saw that she was slightly stressed "I'm," she paused looking up at me "scared" she finished as I hesitated, how do I care for an Android when they are scared, especially such an old model like Y/N is, and it's even worse that she is the only one in existence "Y/N, I am here to comfort you" I paused looking down on her "would you like to wear my jacket?" I asked her as I saw her smile and her face seemed to light up "would you let me?" She asked as I struggled to take it off in such a tight space but still managed to and I handed it to Y/N as she struggled to put it on "Chloe shall be getting us soon" I informed her before the light creeped into the small space as the painting opened.

The two of us jumped out the painting before Chloe closed it behind her and stood in front of us "Elijah Kamski will see you in just under a minute" she reported before turning around and walking out of the foyer "Cole your going to meet your maker" Y/N said smiling as I glanced down on her "Captain L/N, have you already forgotten that I have met Elijah Kamski before?" I responded as she rolled her eyes in annoyance "well, you were with other people but now it's just you and him" she justified as I raised my eyebrows "Y/N, maybe you should see what models he has in there and how many Kamski has, I don't want you being jealous" I teased her before walking past her to Chloe who came through the door "RK900, Captain L/N, come in" she invited as I flashed a smile and I heard Y/N growl behind me as we entered Kamski's pool room to find him sat in his chair as he glanced over at us as we entered the room "Ah Cole and Y/N, I was expecting you and not Connor and Hank" he said as the two of us stopped in front of him "what can I do for you?" He asked as I glanced at T/N who was looking at me "We thought it might be best for you to keep me safe, here, while Connor keeps trying to pursue his mission of employment" I told him as I heard Y/N murmur something but I didn't hear "Just one question Cole" Kamski started before standing up and going to his desk and opening the drawer "can you pass the Kamski test?" He asked as I felt Y/N tense beside me
Kamski Test: proves if machines are capable of empathy... end up shooting the Chloe model
Y/N noticed my yellow led as Kamski drew out the gun "Chloe!" Addressed Kamski as one of the model jumped out of the pool and carefully walked to Kamski before the human grabbed her by the shoulders "Androids are interesting aren't they Y/N, you know as you helped to create them but Cole" Kamski addressed me, offering me the end of the gun "Shoot the Chloe model and you can be safe here, or don't shoot it and continue hiding" he offered before walking around to the back of me "Jesus Christ" cursed Y/N beside me as she glanced away, leaving me for a decision,
Shoot the Chloe and be safe?
Don't shoot and continue struggling?

Sometimes the hardest things in life
Are the same things

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