In need

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I lay in bed with my laptop over my legs as I started writing up reports for Fowler, many people in the office were keeping me informed with what was going on as well as the multiple patrols that were roaming the streets of Detroit. Cole has been placed in a patrol that was monitoring Henry Ford Commemorative Park as there had been some suspicious activity, from the report I was given, I would have put more officers in the patrol rather than the four including Cole. I heard the front door open and shut after a moment and decided to put my laptop away.

I went into the living room and was immediately taken aback by what I saw, Cole had wrapped his jacket around a small boy and seemed like he had carried the poor boy all the way home "Cole, whats happened?" I asked him as he placed his finger to his lips "he's sleeping, I found him in the park" Cole explained briefly "he came with this letter attached to him" he added handing me a crumpled piece of paper, I opened it up and began reading it "take care of this scrap, he's never been cared for, Jesus Christ who would write that about a child" I questioned placing the letter down as the boy wriggled on the sofa "Cole, what are we going to do?" I asked the android as he kept his eyes fixed on the boy "we need to give him a bath, I'll do it" Cole decided crouching down next to the little boy and shaking him gently "Jack, Jack wake up" he said softly as I stood behind him, watching the android with his compassion. Jack slowly stirred and became scared at the look of me "Jack, this is Y/N, she's going to help me take care of you, is that okay?" Asked Cole as the boy hesitated but slowly nodded to the idea "now buddy, let's get you a bath, would you like that? And after that you can have a nice warm meal" persuaded Cole picking up the boy and taking him to the bathroom.

Jack sat at the table eating slowly, Cole and I stood close together and observed him "do you think he's going to be okay?" Asked Cole looking down at me as I shrugged "no idea Cole, you found him and you've done most of the work" I told him as he sighed "maybe Y/N you should try talking to him?" Suggested Cole as I nodded "may as well give it a shot" I agreed sitting opposite the young boy "hey Jack, how are you feeling?" I asked him gently as he looked up to me
"Good" he answered me as I smiled reassuringly "good, Cole and I are going to help you, your in need of it" I told him as he smiled a little bit "thank you" Jack said as I watched his movements "are you hungry? I would advise for you to not eat too much or else you'll be ill" I told him as he nodded "I'm tired" he answered me as I looked over at Cole "well, would you like to sleep in our bed, it's probably nicer than the sofa" I told him as he nodded "come on then" I said as I lead him to where he was going to sleep. I closed the door to see Cole standing right behind me "Jesus Cole, don't stand right behind me" I told him as he dipped his head "sorry, what are we going to do about him?" He asked as I ignored him "we will talk about that in the morning but first, did you tell him who I was?" I asked him as he shrugged "kind of, I told him you were my fiancée" he reported as I placed my head in my hand "great" I reported

Pay attention to what people say out of anger
They've been dying to tell you that

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