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I glanced at Kamski, his face intrigued with my decision, Chloe, her look was desperate for something, either to be spared or shot and then Y/N, she looked away and had her eyes closed before I felt a familiar presence around me "Do it RK900" whispered the voice
Voice recognition: Amanda
Now the decision was harder, I squared up my shoulders and looked down on Chloe
I am not a deviant
I pulled the trigger and thirium splattered onto my face as I turned the gun around and offered it back to Kamski "very interesting, I honestly didn't expect that" he admitted, turning around and shutting the drawer "I don't understand why, I am not a deviant, Cyberlife has made it harder for the latest Androids to become deviant" I reported "I heard but Captain L/N, you know a lot about her past, more than most people, so Cole tell me, why hasn't the one with words made you deviant" pursued Kamski as he began to circle me "she hasn't done anything, I am not a deviant" I repeated as I heard Kamski give a small laugh from behind me "Of course, that's what you programmed to say, but what do you want Cole" he asked, continuing to circle me "I don't want anything, I'm a machine" I answered him as I heard him chuckle again "not even Captain L/N here" hinted Kamski as he stopped in front of me "tell me Cole, do you love her?" He asked as I glanced at my partner and carer. I did care for her immensely and I know her feelings for me were undeniable, even if I almost strangled her upon meeting her.
Love: An intense feeling of deep affection
I glanced down on and Kamski and opened my mouth to speak "does it matter?" Asked Y/N "he's done the Kamski rest to prove himself what else does he have to do?" She asked as Kamski beckoned another Chloe model to stand beside him "here's another Kamski test" Y/N groaned beside me "Cole, prove your not deviant by kissing this android" he ordered me as the Chloe model stepped in front of me as I placed my hand on her cheek and my hand and her cheek both turned to the synthetic white before I laid my lips on hers
Y/N status: hurt
I pulled away as quick as I could and Chloe stepped back "Can he stay?" Asked Y/N, her tone sounding more hostile than what she would normally be "yes, he can stay, good luck Captain L/N with the investigation, Chloe show the captain out please" he commanded as the Chloe that I just kissed stepped in front of Y/N and lead her out of the pool room as Kamski diverted his gaze from her to me "What do you want to say?" He asked me as I stood up straight "nothing sir" I replied as Kamski began to take off his bath robe again "good Chloe will show you to your room when she comes back in" he told me as he got back in the pool as I frowned at him while he began to swim and I paced beside him "Sir, I'm an Android I don't need to have a room" I corrected him as he turned on his back "Captain L/N has given me a laptop so you can do work" he told me as I tilted on my feet just as the door opened again and the model walked slowly towards me "RK900, this way" she invited before turning around and I followed her "please you can just call me Cole" I told her but received no answer as she directed me out the pool room and into a different room. I stepped inside the room just as Chloe left me and I was left alone, I think that might of been the loneliest moment of my short lived life.

It's not the how we make the mistake
But how we correct
That defines us.

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