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I paused at the path to the door of Hank's house, I reached into my pocket, expecting to find my phone there but it was an empty pocket "Oh shit" I cursed before advancing up the path and went around the back of Hank's house to see his kitchen window slightly open, I pushed it up and climbed onto the kitchen counter before landing on the floor for footsteps to sound around me. I crouched down slightly and slowly went and grabbed one of Hank's knifes that was lying on the counter, I twirled it between my fingers before clutching the handle as the footsteps came closer into the kitchen before I heard the muffled growl of Sumo as he waddled into the kitchen. Breathing a sigh of relief, I stood up and placed the knife back on the counter and began looking around for Hank's house phone which I soon found. I rung Hank's mobile for him to answer "Who is this?" He asked "as if it's a random fucking idiot I will come and deal with you myself" I rolled my eyes at Hank's unrealistic threats "Lieutenant Anderson, maybe if you listen you will find out and not have the threat of placing your badge on my desk" I threatened him as the older men stayed silent for a brief moment "Y/N, what are you doing in my house and on my phone!?" He shouted through the phone as I took the phone slightly away from my ear in case he broke it "Hank, Connor" I said before he went on another rant and I was forced to wait for him to calm down again "Have you read the news this morning?" I asked him as he hesitated again "no," he admitted "can I use your phone to phone Cole and then get back to you?" I asked him "Yeah sure" he admitted before I hung up on Hank and phoned Cole on my house phone "Hello, this is Captain-" I heard Cole's voice immediately "Cole its Y/N" I said as I heard him pause "Yes Y/N, Why are you phoning on Lieutenant Anderson's house phone?" He asked me "Connor, I had to run away and I wasn't going to come home and lead it to you" I replied as I heard him take a breath in, a feature to make him act more human "thank you Y/N but I am more experienced in combat than the RK800" he told me. With Cole telling me about how he is better than the RK800 made me hesitate, he wouldn't refer to Connor by his model number "Cole, I'll be home at the end of my supposed shift and look after yourself, if Connor or Cyberlife turn up, don't answer the door and either run or hide, do you understand?" I asked him as he hesitated once again "Cole, RK900 #313-248-317, do you understand me?" I asked him "Yes Y/N, I understand" he replied finally "thank you, I need to phone Lieutenant Anderson now" I told him and hung up before I phoned Hank again "Y/N!" He said shakily "Hank?" I asked him "You were right, about Connor" he paused again "he's sat in your office" I clenched my fists "What's he doing?" I asked him "organising a raid on your apartment, to capture Cole" he told me, his voice barely above a whisper. I hung up and dropped the phone before placing two fingers on where my LED used to be as I patched myself in to Cole
Conversation allowed
"Cole, get out now!" I ordered him
"Y/N, Why?" He replied as I rolled my eyes "don't fucking question me get out!" I shouted at him "Do I need to get you before the raid happens?" I questioned him "where should I meet you?" he asked me "The church" I told him immediately "okay" he replied
Conversation disengaged
Cole, I hope you listen to my orders. With that, I began to run away to the church

Sooner or later
Everyone sits down to a banquet of consequences

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