Don't be afraid

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Cole's view

I placed my foot down to walk forward when Amanda noticed me
"Cole, don't be afraid" she said as I looked around "I'm not afraid, I don't feel" I replied slowly walking towards the ai "Good Cole," Amanda breathed in before returning to her flowers "how are you finding your relationship with Captain L/N?" She asked me as I hesitated, thinking of my options of how to explain her former friend to her "She's interesting, her interest in myself and other androids are different to what other humans think" I explained as Amanda froze
Amanda: Suspicious
Amanda turned around to face me "but Y/N is not a human, is she" Amanda said as I stood there rigid "Rk900" she started as I straightened up "Its Cole, I have been named Cole by my owner" I told her, frustrated with her attitude "Your model is RK900, and that is how Cyberlife will address you" she told me "But I will be addressed by my name!" I replied as she turned around to her continue to tent to her flowers "You prefer a name given to you by a former human" she sighed "Cole is a name that Lieutenant Anderson gave to his son that unfortunately die" I told her as she gave a small laugh "I told Y/N when she was here about how much that you like the name that she gave you and I see that I was correct" she said smiling as I frowned "I have found the name that Y/N has given to me is a kind tribute" I protested "Yes, She always took pity on Lieutenant Anderson with accident with his son, I'm surprised they aren't closer" she replied continuing to snip away at her roses "With all due respect Amanda, Captain L/N was Lieutenant Anderson's partner before Connor came and she was in the incident" I stuttered as Amanda turned around for a brief moment to shoot me a glance of disappointment "Cole, I advice you to keep up your guard as if Y/N finds out, you will be disregarded and you know that. Complete your missions assigned and finish this investigation" Amanda instructed me "Amanda, I always complete my mission, you can count on me" I told her
Amanda: trusted
I opened my eyes and I was in Y/N's bedroom again, I picked up my black shirt and put it on, buttoning it up quickly before picking up my white Cyberlife jacket and left her room.
Y/N sat with a magazine in her hand, slowly flicking through each of the pages "Y/N, I can tell you all of the recent news and trends, you do not need to read a magazine" I told her as she shuffled around to face me "I'm sorry you were taking your time" she muttered sarcastically as I received a message from Commander Fowler for Captain L/N "Commander Fowler wishes for you to meet him in your office tomorrow nine o'clock" I told her "Sharp" I added for her to sigh "any side note of the message?" She asked me "he is going to be there with the new head of Cyberlife" I replied as I heard Y/N sigh even more "This information or this meeting better include something to advance this stupid case" she muttered "the case of the Robotlife's cybers is improving Y/N, just not at the pace you would like it to" I told her as she faced me "Cole, I am the captain of the DPD, I want this case solved as quickly as possible" she returned as she shut her eyes for a moment "very well, I shall improve my skills to assist the case more" I replied turning on my heel to exit the room.

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