Taking Chances

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"MOM!" I yelled as I ran down the stairs.

"Yes hunny?" She said as she was packing things away to put in the car.

"I can't move .. Because uh" I said while thinking of an excuse.

"I'm on my period, my back hurts like crazy mom, seriously I think I'm gonna die." I said dramatically.

She sighed and kept packing.

"Mom! Your gonna just watch me die? How rude!" I said still being dramatic.

"Look Skylar, you can't always get what you want you know? I got a new job .. And don't you wanna go back? Don't you wanna hang out with Mia?" She asked

Mia is my best friend, we've been best friends ever since we were little, my mom and her mom are like best friends too so we always hung out together, she's the opposite of me, she's not really a people's person.

"Of course I want to hang out with Mia, it's just that.. I've made so many friends here, I don't want to leave mom." I said beginning to tell her how I felt..

One thing about me is I'm open to almost everyone I meet, I just don't like hiding how I feel. My mom absolutely hates it, she says I "talk to much" .. I don't think I do though.

"Mom seriously, do you know how hard it is to make friends in high school?" I asked as if she've never been to high school.

"Yes, I've been to high school before sweetie"

"Okay so do you understand why I don't want to move now?" I asked

"Yes, I did before you started talking too, but you have to understand that I don't really have a choice here, I need the money to put the clothes on your back, the roof over your head and the food on your plate"

"Fine" I said


I didn't talk at all until we reached the new neighborhood, I was still upset at the fact that we were moving, it would've been nice to go to the same school from when I used to live here, but they won't let me back in. I was beyond pissed because I had to start over at a new school.

"It'll be fun I promise." My mom said as she gave me a little smile.

"I doubt it" I said.

"Long time no see" a voice that sounded familiar said.

I turned around to see who it was and I felt a big smile spread across my face.

"MIA!" I screamed as I hugged her.

"Okay, your hugging me just a little too tight" she said.

"I miss you so much! I was so upset about going to another new school and starting over but you showed up and I'm just really excited now" I said really fast.

"Calm down." She said with a smile.

"I really miss you so much!" I said

"I miss you too girlie, here I'll help you put your things inside"


After we unpacked, I talked to Mia about my school, and I didn't want her to get bored so I let her talk about what she did as well.

"Okay so I went to parties, drank, met boys, and well that's all." She said

"Were they cute?" I asked whispering knowing that her mom and my mom were in the living room not too far from my room.

"Obviously Skylar, I wouldn't talk to ugly guys, unless I need something from them." She said

"You wouldn't talk to anyone unless you needed something from them" I said laughing.

It was just really good to have Mia over. We talked and talked, for hours until she had to leave..

"Okay well I'm going back home, I'll pick you up for school, or you could just knock on the door if I oversleep" she said.

"Wait we go to the same school now?"

"Yea I got expelled from the other one, they thought having me there was a threat because I was constantly doing stupid things that got my suspended.." She said that last part like she was mocking someone.

"Anyways see you tomorrow, and most likely you'll be the one knocking at my door" she said .. And I just smiled.


The next morning my alarm woke me up at exactly 7:00 AM, that was perfect because 8:00AM is when school starts .. 30 mins to get ready and 30 mins to wake Mia up. I got up and brushed my teeth and hopped in the shower.. When I came out I started setting up the clothes I was going to wear.. I had on a plain white shirt on with Blue jeans, and white vans on .. I put my hair in a pony tail and I didn't feel the need to put on makeup.

"MOM!" I yelled running to the kitchen

"Yes Skylar?" She said

"Are you tired?" I ask

"Yes I am and that's one of the reasons why you should start learning how to stop screaming "MOM!" every morning" she said

I rolled my eyes and ran to Mia's door, before I knocked she was already up ..

"Wow I'm surprised." I said

"That I woke up early?" She asked

"Yes." I said as we both walked to her car.

She played music loudly and we talked until we reached school.

"Okay, I wish I had classes with you!" I said

"Same here but I'll see you at lunch girlie" she said.

"Okay" I said.

I was going to ask Mia if she could take me to my class but I didn't want her to be late because of me, so I tried to find out where math class was, After 10 mins of looking around I finally found it, I opened the door and I was scared because everyone was already in the class room.

"Oh! You must be the new student well, you really don't have time to introduce yourself now next time come early ...just take a seat next to Jason, he needs a partner for this project we're doing, I'm not explaining it again so ask him on your free time." Sthe teacher said.

I nodded as I found my way to the only seat available... Jason. Was. Gorgeous. He had brown curly hair and beautiful brown eyes, and his smile was perfect .. He had the perfect teeth, okay why am I talking about his teeth?.... Anyways, I went to sit down next to him and he smiled at me, I smiled back right away... Should I have waited like a few seconds before I smiled back?! Oh my God what am I wearing .. I should've worn makeup..

"Hey I'm Jason Adams" he said still smiling with his perfect teeth.

"I'm Skylar, with an A not an E people usually spell it with an E and it's annoying." I said.

I was talking too much, but he didn't seem to mind.

"Nice to meet you Skylar can I call you.. Sky?" He asked.

"Actually, I like Skylar" I said

I should've just said sure...

"Okay Skylar, I'll show you around the school so you won't be late to any other classes again." He said smiling again.

"Um thanks but you don't have to..." I said

"No, it's okay"

"Really? thanks! Your really sweet." I said

"Thanks, right back at ya" he said

I smiled as he got out a pen and started talking about the project... I promised my mom that I will pass all my classes, but I don't think I can pass math with Jason around.

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