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I went outside the school .. I felt my book bag opened when I was running to Mia's car, I hope nothing came out of it.

"What took you so long girlie?" Mia asked as I got in the car and put my seatbelt on.

"I was talking to Austin, he kept on staring at me in detention." I said

"Oh" she said

"Is there something wrong with my face or like-"

"Your fine, trust me I would tell you if something was wrong." She said

We both laughed and I played the music in her car.


I told my mom how and why I got detention, and once I was sure that I wasn't in trouble I went upstairs did my homework, and worked on my project more, I didn't get enough sleep ... But by the time my alarm woke me up the next day, I got up and showered and put on flowered dress with my hair in a high ponytail, gray flats, with lipgloss and light makeup.

"MOM!" I yelled as I went to the kitchen.

"Skylar, Mia left she said you were late, maybe your alarm was wrong I don't know." She said

"OH MY GOD! You can't be serious!"I said

"I'm not serious" she said smiling

"Don't scare me like that" I said

"Then stop screaming "MOM!" Every morning" she said

I rolled my eyes then opened my door and saw Mia standing in front of it.

"Let's go." She said

"Good morning to you too" I said as we walked to her car.. We got in and I put on my seatbelt, I didn't play any music in her car because I was so tired. Once we got to the school I was walking to class, and someone called my name... I turned around only to find out it was Austin.

"Skylar" he said

"What?" I asked

"You dropped your books when you were running to your car" he said

I took them from him and started to walk to the school until he stopped me.

"Wait, Skylar I don't get it." He said

"You don't get what?" I asked

"Why your so sweet and kind to everyone but me." He said

"Well I'm not sweet and kind to jerks" I said

"You don't even know me" he said

"I don't, but I think I've got you all figured out." I said

"Oh yeah?" He said

"Yea, your a bad boy you don't care about school or the work, you enjoy everyone being afraid of you, you think because everyone is scared of you, you can be a jerk, and you don't tell people the reason why you stare at them, which I'll have you know makes people think there was something wrong with them." I said really fast.

He smiled at me.. Which made me want to tell him how attractive he was, I usually don't keep how feel about people inside.

"I'm probably late to math class because of you, so thank you for that, I bet I'll see you in detention again" I said

"Your not that late" he said

"Yeah, actually I am" I said walking to the school building.

Once again I was the only one in class that showed up late, I wonder what Jason would think, I have to make it up to him.

"Late again, what did I say about being late?" The teacher asked

"Um.. You said if I'm late again I'll have an exra assignment." I said

"Well you've earned yourself that, take a seat and work on the project with your partner please." She said

I covered my face with my hair as I took my seat next to Jason.

"Hey" he whispered.

"Hey, I'm so sorry I haven't been working hard enough on the project, I know how it feels to do all the work, and I did my half some more, I hope you like it?" I said really fast

"It's okay Skylar, I understand you had detention, so we will work on this tomorrow?" He asked

"Yes of course" I said

After classes were over Mia and I waited for Rico's group to arrive, I wasn't lying when I said I'd be back, and Mia isn't scared of none of them so she came along, after 20 mins of waiting they finally came, I blushed when Austin looked at me.

"Well I see your back, with no boyfriend here with you" Rico said coming closer to me.

"He isn't my boyfriend." I said

"Doesn't matter, good news is he isn't here to annoy me anymore" he said

"Okay well, he's not here what are you going to do about it?" I asked.

He laughed and the 2 other guys laughed as well, but Austin didn't.

"Something funny?" Mia asked and the 2 boys stopped laughing.

"Well, Skylar I don't have a problem with you, but I do have a problem with your attitude" he said coming even closer to me.

"Let's change that" he said.

"Rico." Mia said

He ignored her and whispered something in my ear... He went down to my neck and kissed it, I was scared but afraid to move. I looked at Austin but his eyes were on the ground, either he couldn't watch or he didn't care.

"Move away from her" Mia said pushing him.

"Don't touch me!" Rico said

"What you gonna do about it?" She said pushing him again.

Rico was about to hit her but Austin already had his hands behind his back.

"Relax Rico." Austin said

He looked at me and I looked away.

"Both of you should leave" Austin said. Struggling to hold Rico down

I walked really fast to the car but Mia was walking really slowly, making me think she actually wanted to put up a fight with Rico.

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