Chapter 1

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Kakarot has just sent you a text message!

What the fuck? Vegeta stared at the screen of his cell phone with a raised brow. "How—how do I—"

"Just press that dial right there. God, Vegeta."

And thus began another moment in Vegeta's life where he would have to learn to accept a bizarre Earth custom. For the last hour and a half, Bulma had opened him up to a whole new world of communication possibilities that ironically lacked much communication. Capsule Corp in the past had equipped him with cellular devices that had done just fine; babbling to a multitude of idiots wasn't a favorite hobby of his anyway. If he could talk and hear the other person on the opposite line, he considered a device sufficient. It took days of viewing his son key away at a phone to finally care about what 'texting' was.

Suffice it to say, he wasn't impressed.

"This is asinine." Vegeta opened the text message on the small phone Bulma had bought for him. Sadly, his gloves and large fingers defied any sort of logic of possessing such a tiny thing. The more he became aware of the fact, the more his temper had begun to build.

"It's all the new rage, Vegeta. For a Saiyan, you really need to get a grip." Both of them were seated at the edge of Vegeta's bed, the comforter pulled back. Bulma snorted and pressed her face against his cheek in order to get a better view of the glowing screen between his palms. "Let me see what it says."

Hey Vegeta!

Vegeta nearly fell over. "Is that all he had to say?!"

"Well," Bulma exhaled. "That's pretty much the breadth of text conversations."

"But that's—" He stopped to think. Pure Idiocy. Moronic. Illogical. Offensive, even!"Stupid," he finally settled on. "And if Kakarot wanted to tell me something, why couldn't he just call? Doesn't 'texting' defeat the whole purpose of this piece of trash?"

"Look, Vegeta." Bulma stood up off the bed and placed her hands on her hips. The Prince looked up at her with slight admiration. It was apparent that earlier she shoved a pair of lab goggles to the top of her head in a hurry; her blue hair was a twisted mess trapped under a band of rubber that kept the instrument strapped to her scalp. Earlier she was out of breath when she came bouncing through his door holding the new phone. While she was far from her younger self, she appeared very childish. Her lips were pink and face bare of any make-up. Vegeta cocked his head oddly and continued to stare.

Bulma snapped her fingers beside his right ear. "Earth to Vegeta! Did you hear a thing I just said?"

"Uhm," what the only thing he could muster after shaking himself out of reverie.

"I said that if you want to stay with the old times, then so be it. But Goku seems to like staying ahead." She bit her lip at a pause. "If you catch my drift."

Vegeta's mouth fell open. "If you are suggesting that Kakarot stays ahead of me in power—" The phone suddenly made a strange blip! noise.

"What just happened?!"

"Goku sent you another message while you were wasting time complaining. Look." She grabbed the phone from Vegeta and opened the message:


From: Kakarot

Hey Vegeta!

"You need to reply back."

"Give me the phone, woman!" Vegeta snatched the cell back and immediately sought about the task of replying to his rival. He didn't want to send something as stupid as a hello. Becoming self conscious, he turned the phone away from Bulma's view as his thumbs struggled to press onto the correct keys. Finally he sent his message:

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