Chapter 10

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"Vegeta," Goku asked, dangling in his hand the shoes he just took off, "should I put these back in the closet?"

The shoes were slapped out of his hand. "Shut-up, Kakarot." Without hesitation, Vegeta straddled his lap and began to kiss him again. The familiar warmth returned, and Goku ran a hand up under Vegeta's jacket to rub his back. Breaking the kiss, Vegeta removed enough layers of clothing so that he was shirtless.

Goku smiled, wide and innocent, and gingerly ran his fingers across Vegeta's bare chest. He felt Vegeta tense when he ran his thumb across a nipple.

"Don't you dare."

But Goku was already raising his knees, lifting Vegeta up higher for easy access. He rubbed his tongue flat against the raised bump repeatedly, enjoying the feeling of Vegeta squirming against him, cursing loud in the silence. He ran his hands across Vegeta's back again, roaming down past his waist, to the scar over his tailbone.

Vegeta bucked on top of him. "Fuck!"

No, things aren't going as he planned at all. To rile him up, Goku rubbed his finger against the scar and raised his head to laugh in Vegeta's face. "You're adorable."

Vegeta slapped him hard, and Goku felt tears rise in his eyes. "You want me to hurt you, don't you?!"

Stars dancing in his vision, Goku nodded vigorously, sighing in joy. He felt himself be pushed back onto the bed, and all of his clothes get pulled off. He tittered nervously when he saw his boxers slide off and be tossed over Vegeta's shoulder. The room became colder, and he felt vulnerable having his body looked over.

"Kakarot..." Expecting an insult, Goku closed his eyes and waited for it. There was nothing.

What? He opened his eyes. Almost tentatively, Vegeta was rubbing Goku's arms up and down. He trailed his hands across his chest, then down to his stomach. "Kakarot," he repeated, a whisper now, and slid his hands down to Goku's hips and thighs. Slowly, he lifted Goku's knees up off the bed and parted his legs. Now completely exposed, Goku blushed. He swore that he was being revered, Vegeta rubbing the inside of his legs as if touching something precious. "You're so—" Vegeta bit his lip to cut himself off.

Goku felt weak. He threw his head back onto the sheets. "Is this going to hurt?"

Vegeta ignored him, and went about taking off the rest of his own clothes. Goku became mesmerized by his body, and watched him hover in between his own knees, sucking an index and middle finger.

Goku blinked. "Why are you—Hey!" He lifted up off the bed, feeling Vegeta graze his fingers across his entrance. "What are you doing?!" A vague idea of how things were supposed to go was in his head, but he didn't see how fingers could get involved.

"Shh." Vegeta kissed the inside of his thigh, and then rubbed the spot. "Trust me."

"But—but—" Goku felt afraid all of a sudden. "I don't know if I can—"

"You can." Vegeta rubbed his hand from the tip of Goku's erection back down to his clenching tightness. "You will."

Goku lolled his head back, and dug his hands into the bundled up sheets around his head. Vegeta continued to rub him, harder now, and Goku could hear himself start to pant. The sheets in his hands twisted into a knot when he felt himself being entered. "Ah!"

Vegeta chuckled, and pressed another finger in to the knuckle. Goku writhed as he was stretched and pressed into, burning sensation buried under pleasure. Soon he felt Vegeta start to thrust, his fingers curling when deepest in him, hitting that spot. He rose up off the bed and moaned. Fuck. The room was tilting, and he raised his head to see Vegeta staring back at him with a hazy look on his face.

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