Chapter 7

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Two weeks passed, and Vegeta still hadn't heard word from Goku. Not that he was waiting. Quickly he saw that the Gravity Room was a poor substitute for Goku, so mid-afternoon most days he strode back into Capsule Corp, bored. Never before was he a person that enjoyed being idle for too long—but lounging around different rooms soon became his favorite pastime. He even started to wander around Bulma's lab, poking his nose in test tubes and closed-off experimentation rooms. One afternoon, Bulma came into her lab to check up on a side-project dealing with Petri dishes...only to find Vegeta stomping around. Impatient.

"What are you doing here?" She frowned at him, buttoning up her coat.

"Oh," Vegeta said, trying to feign surprise. He leaned up against a wall and crossed his arms. "Since you're here, I'd like to ask you something."

"Yeah?" She took a seat on a swivel chair near a table.

" thing you were planning. It's taking you forever. Is it going to happen?"

Bulma blinked. "What? You actually care about the party?"

Vegeta grit his teeth, annoyed. "I was just wondering, so I can prepare myself for when the barrage of idiots show up."

Still confused, Bulma scratched her head. "I was planning on having it next Saturday. I still have to call up some people, but getting party favors and food shouldn't be a problem for the company..."

"So you're waiting another week?"

"What? Do you want it sooner?"

Scoffing, Vegeta made his way out of the lab. "I was only asking."

Bulma spun around in her chair and pulled herself up to the cluttered table. "I talked to Goku the other day."

She heard Vegeta make a strange noise, as if surprised. She grinned.

"What did he say?"

"You have a phone too, you know. You could call him up yourself."

Shockingly fast, Vegeta was at her side. "What did you two talk about?!"

"He said that he's been training a lot."

Vegeta balled his fists. "Really."

"And I told him about the party. He said he would love to come, but he's doesn't want to make you mad."

"Well...He should worry about making me mad! What makes him think I got over what happened?" He tapped his foot. "He's got some nerve!"

Bulma laughed softly. "You're a real piece of work."

"What? What does that mean?"

"Nothing." She waved her hand and busied herself with a pile of papers on the desk. When Vegeta continued to stand beside her, she looked up again. "What do you want now?"

"Is he coming to the party or not?"

"Probably! He said he would think about it." She went back to the work on the desk.

Vegeta still didn't move from her side. "Two weeks ago you seemed really excited about all of this."

Face hidden from his view, she smirked. "What do you mean?"

"About the party. About how the whole reason you wanted to throw it was to get Kakarot over here! You seem not to care anymore."

"Geez, Vegeta, why are you badgering me about this?"

"Bah!" He threw his arms up into the air. "Just forget I said anything!" Grumbling the whole way, he left the lab. It was infuriating how vague Bulma was being. And if he didn't know any better, she was doing it on purpose just to piss him off.

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