Chapter 3

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"SHUT UP!" Any birds within a mile radius of Son Goku's house immediately fled the premises.

Goku cracked open an eye. "Mm. Vegeta must be up."

He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and saw that he was lying in Goten's bed, wrapped up in his son's old scent. Morning light flooded the room with brightness and cheer, almost bringing sickness to his stomach. The room hadn't been occupied in months. The last time he had even bothered to come into the room was to change bed sheets. He had found stashed under the mattress an impressive collection of porno mags; out of reverence, he left the sheets and porn completely untouched and unturned.

Memories of the night before came to him easily: he had decided that sleeping in his own bed wasn't an option, what with Vegeta's arrival, so crashing in Goten's room was the most convenient alternative. Before dozing off, Goku had also satiated his hunger...

Damn! I completely cleaned the fridge out! He rolled over in the bed and groaned. He'd have to go shopping.

Counting to three in his head, he slid out from under the sheets and stretched. He looked down to see he still had on the blue jeans from the previous night.

"I should go check on the royal guest." He almost tripped on his path down the hallway, making a beeline to his room. He saw his door was closed.

"Vegeta?" he said softly. Creeping toward the door, he pressed an ear against the wood to hear any more bitching from the Prince. Instead he heard...

No. Way.

Goku stifled a laugh and dashed down the rest of the hallway. He couldn't have possibly heard...what he thought he heard. No chance in Hell. Never on Earth. Not Vegeta! Maybe he was being delusional again.

Finding himself in the kitchen, he decided to become useful and make breakfast from whatever scraps were left over from last night's pillage. After a few minutes, he'd dug up two full containers of oatmeal, a few cartons of eggs, half a jug of milk, and strawberry preserves. He and Vegeta would just have to eat several plates of food instead of the usual dozen.

Firing up the stove and pulling out cinnamon and butter for the oatmeal, Goku leaned against the counter and crossed his arms. How long would Vegeta be staying? For a bright moment he wondered if it would take longer than a day for Vegeta to heal. Maybe his little wakeup call meant he was all ready to go back to Capsule Corp.

Goku could probably count on his hand the few times in his life he had actually wanted someone to stay in pain, but wouldn't it be great if he and Vegeta could become closer? It was an idea he'd abandoned several times in the past, distracting himself more with Chi-Chi. But Vegeta was so much more...enjoyable to be around.

Goku giggled. No one had probably ever thought time spent around Vegeta was a good time spent. Bulma probably couldn't give an impressive list of her own. But he couldn't deny that having another Saiyan around made him feel more at ease than a screaming wife. Vegeta could understand how necessary it was to fight all of the time, as well as wonder what oppositions would come into the future they would have to face.

He rummaged around in the cabinets for pancake mix, only to stop himself. The last time he cooked up a batch, they ended up stuck to the ceiling instead of his plate. He pushed the box of mix further back into the cabinet until it was shrouded in darkness.

A quarter past the hour, Goku had whipped up three large skillets filled with scrambled eggs, and two pots filled to the brim with oatmeal. He skipped the task of trying to fry any bacon, so he simply pulled out the half-eaten jumbo bag from the refrigerator. I must have missed this while binging last night, he thought while pilling all the food up into his arms. Deftly he managed to get milk, jelly, plates, and eating utensils into his grasp as well before heading back to his room.

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