Chapter 8

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Ow. Ow. Oooow.

Goku heard a light ringing in his ears, paired along with a powerful headache. He felt that he was wrapped up in a bundle of sheets atop a springy mattress. Moving his arms and legs, he noticed a defined stiffness in his limbs. It was cold.

"You're awake."

Goku opened his eyes and saw he was shrouded in darkness. "What?"

"Imbecile. I found you passed out on my bathroom floor. You have no class whatsoever."

He groaned. "What happened to me, Vegeta?"

"You got drunk."

Goku rolled over onto his side and grasped his stomach. "Oh."

"You sang karaoke."

He laughed, shocked. "Whaat? I don't sing, Vegeta."

"You proved otherwise."

Clenching his teeth to bear the pain throbbing in his skull, Goku pondered. Now that I think about it... Memories of last night came in rush of images: him crying, then Gohan crying...Vegeta showing up, then him running up on stage...

"Fuck." Goku buried his face in the pillow.

"Fuck is right." Vegeta laughed soft, sounding oddly innocent in the darkness.

"What happened to," Goku cleared his throat, "Bulma? Is she okay?"

"Yes. But she didn't throw up like you did."

"Ugh. I'm really sorry. I haven't been in a good state lately, have I?" Goku was glad for the darkness.

"No, you haven't." The light in Vegeta's voice faded away. "You've been unconscious for over a day."

"Oh, no." Goku brought his face up off the pillow. "You had to take me all the way back home?"

"No. You're in my bed right now."

Goku blinked. "Oh, wow. I'm sorry—"

"Why do you keep on shivering? You've been doing that on and off for a while now." Goku could hear Vegeta getting up off of what was most likely a chair; the sound of something heavy sliding against carpet roused his senses. Light footsteps fled out of the room. Goku felt himself get sleepy, and wondered if Vegeta would ever come back. He closed his eyes again, seeing no difference in the darkness behind his eyelids and the darkness of the room.

Something else happened last night. But what? He could barely remember singing, let alone throwing up and falling asleep on a bathroom floor. After what seemed like an eternity, he felt a heavy blanket fall on top of him. "Oof!"

"Does that help any?"

"Hey, where are you, Vegeta? I can't see anything in here." His senses would have been keener on any other day. And he could feel that he was shivering, uncontrollably. He pulled the blanket closer to his body. "Yeah, I'm okay."

"You're still shaking."

Goku wasn't sure what kind of answer Vegeta wanted. "I can't help it."

Suddenly, Goku felt a fresh wave of air slip under the sheets. The side of the mattress sunk as a weight pressed down opposite of him. Huh? "Vegeta, what are you—"

"Be quiet."

A rush of heat came to Goku's back, and he yelled out in astonishment. No way. Vegeta was pressing himself against Goku's back, Goku now aware that both of them were shirtless. He felt warm arms wrap against his waist, protectively, before pulling back to tighten the embrace.

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