Chapter 6

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Warning: a little bit of smut ahead!!

The sun bore down on the both of them as they fought, sweeping an arc across the sky to the opposite horizon. Soon there was dusk, then darkness. Into the night they went on, yellow moonlight glistening off skin moist with hours of exertion. Vegeta was exhausted beyond belief.

When Goku complained of hunger pains, Vegeta had suspicion he was lying to simply end the fight. Either way, he let Goku go back down to the island to eat. He waited a good while, and out of impatience floated down from the sky to see what was taking so long. He found Goku dead asleep on the blanket, next to a now empty picnic basket.

"Pathetic," he said, gently kicking one of Goku's legs. He sat down beside the snoring body, and looked out at the horizon. The sky was only a shade darker than the turbulent ocean water, foreboding even in weak moonlight. Both the sky and water seemed to sit flat against each other, opposite, yet nearly identical in appearance when in darkness. How many times has Kakarot sat and watched this alone?

And how many more days would he spend with Goku, feeling as if he existed in a different world? Forever ago, he lived in Capsule Corp and could hear the sounds of a nearby a city. Out here, it was deathly quietSurely he couldn't stay much longer, now that he was feeling better.

But...He looked over at Goku, whose mouth was wide open and nearly drooling. Fool. I can't leave him when he's looking like that, can I?

He drew his knees up to his chin, and pulled his legs closer to his body. If anyone saw how much he allowed the past few days, he would probably die in shame. The Prince of all Saiyans...cavorting with a third-class. Like it was no big deal.

It isn't a big deal. He rested his forehead on his knees, relaxing the sore muscles in his neck. A lot of things stopped being a big deal once he accepted that Planet Vegeta was gone for good, and that his only real living 'subject' was Goku. He now had a family. And supposedly friends. Feeling obliged to follow strict ideology from an extinct society was a game he grew tired of years ago.

So what was he to think of Goku now?

"Hey, you," came a soft voice from beside him. He lifted his head and was met with the vision of a heavy-lidded Goku. "What are you doing?"


"That's no fun," Goku said with a bit of a slur, half-awake. "You should lie down next to me and look at the stars."

Vegeta slid down onto his back and scooted next to Goku. He looked over and saw that Goku's eyes were fluttering nonstop, as if trying to fight back sleep. "Go back to sleep, Kakarot."

"Noo," Goku whined. "I don't want to."

"You're delusional." Vegeta pointed up at the sky. "There aren't even any stars out tonight."

"I swear I'll get up and we can spar again. I promise..." Lazily he slid his right hand up to his heart. "I want to make use...of the time we still have together. You're really, really..." He yawned. "Fun."

Vegeta shifted uncomfortably. "I'm not going anywhere."

"Good," Goku whispered. He gave up on keeping his eyes open.

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