Chapter 4

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"Wow!" Goku pressed his face flat against a freezer door in the frozen dinner isle. "I could get ten pizzas for half the price!"

He loved and hated shopping at the same time. Often he wished he could live in a grocery store so he could have unlimited access to a nearly infinite amount of food. He seriously considered the idea one day and almost asked a manager about annexing part of a house to the back of the store, as well as paying monthly rent.

Then he remembered that out in public he had to act like a normal person. He scratched at the cotton shirt he had put on before he left the house. His idea sounded even dumber when he thought about how Vegeta would react if he knew about it. Sighing, he tossed ten frozen pizzas into his grocery cart. The dream would have to die for now.

"Oh, no!" Goku heard a high pitched squeal from across the aisle. "I dropped this entire tub of peanut butter and I can't pick it up!"

He swiveled his head around and saw a woman standing beside a rack of condiments. Beside her high-heeled shoe was a jar of peanut butter that looked as if it had simply been sat on the ground.

"I wish someone would help me!" she cried even louder.

Goku walked over and picked up the jar. "Uh, here you go ma'am."

The woman looked up at Goku with sparkles in her eyes. Her hair was red and flowing down to her waist. Goku saw that behind her back she was hiding a ponytail holder she had probably just taken off.

"Oh, thank you so much. You are such a gentleman." She took the jar from Goku's hand, making sure to run her fingers delicately against his palm. "And you're so handsome."

"Um." He felt confused all of a sudden. How did the way he looked have anything to do with the jar of peanut butter?

"Do you live around here?" She flipped her shiny hair and winked.

"Uh, not really—"

"CHEYRL!" A stout man marched up behind the woman and grasped onto her arm. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Nothing, John. Just talking to the very nice man." She grit her teeth and flashed another grin at Goku.

"Honey, you're allergic to peanuts!"

"Shut UP, John!"

Goku backed away from the married couple and went back to his cart. They continued to argue. He simply shrugged off the moment as weird and pushed his cart around a corner to look for food to cook for dinner. While passing the dairy section, out of the corner of his eye he noticed a woman hiking up her skirt so that it went up to her knees. She too was smiling at him. What was that about? he thought while turning into the pasta isle; he ran smack-dab into another woman's basket.

"Oh! I'm sorry!" He pulled his basket away from the head-on collision.

The woman furled her lip to say something nasty, only to stop herself. She scanned Goku's body. "Oh, it's no problem. It's okay." She began to flip her hair wildly. It was black and straight as a board. "Say, your wife wouldn't also happen to be here in the store, would she?"

Goku frowned. "No. She wouldn't."

"Oh. She at home?"

"Um, no. She passed away about a year ago."

The woman slapped both hands to her cheeks in mock sympathy. "That's awful! You poor thing. You could use a little bit of healing, don't you think?"

Goku raised a brow. "Er, I'm not sure what you mean."

"Do you have a girlfriend?"


Suddenly the red-haired woman from earlier ran into the aisle. She stared at both Goku and the other woman.

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