Chapter 9

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The next few hours were a blur. Goku remembered Bulma washing his clothes while he showered, and doing the same for what little luggage Goten brought with him. But Trunks insisted that Goten wear some of his clothes before they went out to eat. Bulma also gave Goku the classiest looking Capsule Corp jeans and shirt she could find, and told him it was a shame he couldn't fit any of Vegeta's clothes. After putting on his new gear, Bulma handed him a new Capsule Corp jacket, bringing back memories of how it was destroyed a month back.

And Vegeta...

Goku couldn't stand to be around him. Not that he was angry at the Prince, but everything that happened since last night threw him for a loop. Vegeta cuddling with him, and Goten coming back were all events he didn't expect would happen in one day. He was excited and confused at the same time.

And Vegeta was being so weird. After their little talk last night, he was being…nice? No, something else entirely. Something Goku couldn't put his finger on.

He sat on the edge of Vegeta's bed, putting on a pair of shoes he found in the closet, delighted with the fact that they fit. Vegeta walked into the room, and Goku saw that he was fully dressed. He wore a pair of jeans and a thin green jacket.

"Hey, Vegeta!" Goku waved, and held a foot into the air. "Look, we wear the same size shoes!"

Vegeta just stood there. A moment passed. Slowly, he pushed the door closed. He leaned against it and smirked. "Hello, Kakarot." He stuffed his hands into his pant pockets.

Goku gulped. "Um, why did you close the door?"

"For privacy."

Goku blinked. "We need privacy?"


Goku felt incredibly nervous. Like something bad was going to happen. But it couldn't with only him and Vegeta in the room. "What are we going to do that needs privacy?"

"Anything and everything."

Okay, now I'm really confused. "What do you mean by that, Vegeta?" But Vegeta was walking toward him now, Goku trapped between the bed and the door.

"HEY, DAD!" Goten was yelling from somewhere down the hallway. "Are you ready to go?!"

"Fuckin' bullshit!" Vegeta cursed under his breath. He turned around on his heel, and flung the door open. "We are not ready yet!"

Goten and Trunks bounced through the doorway. "Hey, I'm ready to eat," Trunks said softly, noticing how pissed his father looked. Goten looked equally as worried. Goku noticed his son had cleaned up well: Trunks' clothes looked natural on him.

"Oh! I'm ready to go!" Goku got up off the bed, chipper. "You ready, Vegeta?

"Fuck. Whatever!" He crossed his arms and began to pout.

What's his problem? Goku walked out of the room and followed the teenagers down the stairs, right out of Capsule Corp. Once they were at the front entrance, Trunks came to a halt.

"How about we go there with a bit of class?" Trunks smiled and headed off to the side of the building. "I've still got keys to the company car."

Augh. Cars. All of them piled into the small vehicle. Goten sat in the front passenger seat, leaving both Goku and Vegeta in the back. Goku felt cramped in his seat, and noticed that Vegeta also looked uncomfortable. Vehicles were one of the many things Goku couldn't figure out. He ran a hand across the upholstery, admiring its leathery texture.

"Dad, were you the last to drive this?" Trunks asked, turning on the ignition. Vegeta make a strange yelp, as if suddenly remembering something. Goku watched Trunks meddle with the CD player, and Vegeta reached his hand forward as if to stop him.

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