First Shift

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The clocked ticked quietly. The room was dim and the only sound was the gentle breathing of the human sitting in the chair. The party was long over and Julie sat facing the window, looking out into the night. Her thoughts were a jumble over all that she learned tonight. Her best friend turned out not be the person she always thought he was. She couldn't believe he would sleep with his mate and then tell her that he didn't want her. Who uses a person that way?

Another tear escaped her eye and joined the many others that fell before it. Disillusionment of the love of her life was a hard pain to bear and she struggled to come to grips with it. Nathan had been her rock all throughout childhood. He protected her from bullies, played dolls with her - not by choice - and had been her confidant. There was nothing he did not know about her. Why had he not confided in her about finding his mate? Why had he not talked it over with her if he found being mated to Michelle so difficult? She thought they were a team. Did he even trust her?

"What will we do now, Jewels?" Julie whispered softly. Her wolf was silent but this didn't bother her. She didn't really want an answer and Jewels was preparing for the shift which would be soon. Her parents were waiting downstairs to help her through her first shift. They were giving her time to come to grips with the events of the evening.

To distract herself from her thoughts her eyes left the view of the blackness outside and wandered over her room. She looked at her doll collection sitting on the shelf by her bed, each porcelain face a perfect moment of cuteness. Next to her dolls was another shelf that contained her growing Kpop collection. Albums, light sticks, photo cards, figurines. She smiled as she looked at them. Her favorite group, Midnight, were taking advantage of the fascination with werewolves and capitalizing on it, all their figurines were wolves. All the fangirls dreamed of being mated to their one true bias in the group. The normal human fans were just as determined to be their mate and fantasized just as hard about having a man who was fated to be just theirs. Who didn't want a soulmate?

Her eyes drifted up to her posters. Jaeson, Mingyu, Hoon, Taekwoon, Jungwoo, Jeon and the leader Seokmin were all arrayed in various poses all over one wall. Her bias was Jungwoo, the dark and quiet one of the group. Serious and shy, he drew her in. Her glance fell to Taekwoon who was her bias wrecker. His inability to stay dressed on stage wrecked her all to pieces. She was as weak to his chocolate abs like any other woman. There were far too many gifs of him undulating those abs for her peace of mind. Hoon, Jeon, and Jaeson were the jokers of the group and Mingyu and Seokmin kept everyone in line. Her fingers lifted to her desk and caressed the tickets laying there. Just two days before she would get to see them in real life for the first time. She better remember to get earplugs now that her hearing was so sensitive.

Walking over to her closet, she tried to decide what she should wear. Should she go cute? Maybe hot and sexy? Or should she just dress comfortably since she'll probably be standing and screaming herself hoarse--

It's time. Let your parents know that I am ready. It's time for us to switch bodies.

Julie quickly removed her outer clothes and walked downstairs in just a tank top and boyshorts. Her parents looked up as they heard her come downstairs. Stacy stood up from her place on the couch and Julie looked at her surprised.

"You're still here, Stacy?" Julie asked.

"I wasn't going to let you go through this alone." she grinned.

"This is better done in a group, to help you as its very disorienting as your wolf takes over your body. In a way, it's a good thing you haven't found your mate yet, she would be harder to control during this." Her dad said.

Julie winced as she was reminded of tonight's disaster but she knew her dad was speaking practically as the first shift was often when many mates lost control and finished the marking and mating process.

My Mate is an Idol || Book 1 of the Midnight SagaWhere stories live. Discover now