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The pack members spread out through the forest and town to search for Nathan. They took precautions to travel in pairs as they checked the forest and surrounding valleys. The warriors went to confront the rogues but found it difficult to find them. Their scent was everywhere but scattered and broken throughout the forest so that no one could track them in any one direction. They had also abandoned their normal dens. Clothing, trash, and valuable items were left behind indicating that the exodus had been sudden and unplanned. This worried the pack warriors.

Matters weren't helped when a "rumor" surfaced on Twitter about a rogue werewolf threatening Midnight. Fans of Midnight, as well as local news crews, rushed into the town to find out what was going on. Alpha Brian's office was flooded with calls for information about the danger to Midnight and much second-guessing filled the fan sites. The boys of Midnight found themselves grounded to the cabin by Seokmin so that they couldn't exacerbate the situation. So far, no one knew where they were and the fans streaming into the town were left frustrated as they couldn't locate them in their efforts to "protect their own".

"I need to see Julie," Jaeson demanded to his members. When the news broke, he struggled to stay in the cabin.

"You know damn well that seeing Julie in this situation will only make matters worse." Seokmin tried to reason with his lovestruck maknae. Jaeson's face looked like a stormcloud and he paced around the cabin in his agitation.

"Her family is with her and she's as safe as she can be in this situation," Jungwoo commented.

"We watched our families get torn apart by Joonmin, do you think I can relax and feel she is safe?" Jaeson argued. Seokmin and Taekwoon both blanched at the mention of their collective tragedy.

"You aren't the only one who lost in that event" Jungwoo replied as his face darkened with the memory of all those who had sacrificed their lives to stop Joonmin.

"I know that. That's why I'm so worried about Julie. I can't go through losing another loved one like that again." Jaeson paced faster, his footsteps stomping as his worry and fear grew.

"We know how you feel and everyone is doing the best they can. We have to wait until the fans and news calm down. Then you can go to Julie," Mingyu said in a calm and sympathetic voice.

"You didn't lose anyone, Mingyu. You, Jeon and Hoon only saw the aftermath," Jaeson said savagely, a hint of his wolf echoed in his voice. Mingyu looked helplessly at Seokmin. Usually the group didn't mention that terrible time. The pack had been shattered by those events.

"Don't take your frustrations out on them, we owe everything we are to their pack," Seokmin folded his arms in a sign of disapproval.

Jaeson only paced faster as his fear took over, his hands rubbed together in agitation and his jaw kept clenching tight as thoughts raced through his mind. " They didn't watch their parents and siblings get torn to shreds." He took a deep breath," They didn't watch Joonmin triumph in their blood." His eyes took on a haunted look as the memories took over, "They didn't...." Jaeson stopped speaking as his breath caught and a sob escaped from his lips. He suddenly bent down at the knees and tried not to cry.

Seokmin and Taekwoon exchanged glances. Taekwoon's face was a mask that didn't quite hide the pain in his own eyes. Seokmin sighed at the look in Taekwoon's eyes, nodded his head and walked over to Jaeson and knelt down beside him. He placed one arm across his shoulder and leaned his head next to his. Jaeson kept his shoulders stiff and tried to hide his sobs. His arms were folded over his bent knees and his face hid inside the crook in his arms. He took deep breaths trying to control himself. Taekwoon closed his eyes and also walked over. His body stiff but he went to Jaeson's other side and also bent down next to him and put an arm around his back.

My Mate is an Idol || Book 1 of the Midnight SagaWhere stories live. Discover now