The Men of Midnight

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The morning found everyone training hard. Julie was working with Beta Aaron on her fighting skills with a few other young wolves while Midnight practiced their concert routines. Julie tried hard to ignore her mate dancing on the other side of the room. It was hard when he was busy gyrating his hips during his dance moves. She would love nothing better than to run over there and jump him with a kiss, but there was a news crew recording Midnight's practice and so everyone was being their most professional. Julie sighed in frustration and refocused on her training.

Nathan was still on the loose and everyone was of the opinion that the more Julie could defend herself the better. It felt like Beta Aaron was trying to push several weeks worth of training into one day and Julie was feeling pretty beat up. Thankfully Jewels and her gifts made up for what would no doubt have been a brutal practice without her accelerated healing and enhanced fighting abilities. Julie was proving adept at relying on her wolf to know how to move instinctively and her Beta was impressed with her progress.

"You are proving to be a natural at moving in sync with your wolf. Most partners take a good year to get the type of rapport you have" Beta Aaron said with satisfaction.

"Thanks, Beta Aaron," Julie accepted the praise. She knew there was nothing natural about it. She was exhausted and if it wasn't for Jewels taking control she'd never been able to keep up. She was overwhelmed and only Jewels could keep up with Beta Aaron's intense training. Yes, she trusted her wolf, but she didn't think being overwhelmed counted as natural talent.

"We want Midnight. We want Midnight." Chanting could be heard coming from outside the gym. Outside there was a storm brewing between fans of Midnight and those who were just there to be part of the commotion. The CEO of their company confirmed that one of the members had found their mate, but due to the situation, they were taking it slow and asked for privacy. Some people were so upset at this news that they had tried to get refunds for their concert tickets. Others were objecting to any of them finding their mates and then others still condemned the idea of werewolves even being allowed to breed, causing even more outrage.

"We've been their dedicated fans since their debut. How dare they find a mate in some worthless little town. I bet she just wants to cash in on Midnight's popularity." One girl screamed from the growing crowd outside the gym.

"How dare they cheat on us this way," Another voice yelled.

"Mating isn't something they can control." Another girl shouted.

"Real fans would support our boys. Not throw a tantrum." A red-headed girl shouted.

"They belong to us, not some ugly girl from a small town." The first girl shoved the red-headed girl who wasn't taking any of her crap, she pushed back and soon others joined in. It escalated from pushes to a punch and then all hell broke loose. Screams and punches filled the air and the guards around the gym were forced to try and pry the fighting girls apart.

Nathan watched with amusement as the fight escalated and the guards moved from their positions to intervene. The rogues in the group were doing their job of escalating the fight, he nodded to the other rogues with him and they sneaked into the fighting crowd. Under the cover of the yelling, screaming, and fighting, they made their way past the guards and snuck into the gym. A rogue took a quick look into the gym and nodded to the others.

"Mike, take out the cameraman first. We don't need evidence. Danny and Jeff will go after Beta Aaron and the rest take on Midnight. Remember, your job is to keep them busy while Nathan goes after Julie. Our job here is to not kill, but feel free to hurt them." The rogues nodded and silently transformed.

Nathan watched as the wolves leaped into the room growling, taking the room by surprise. Nathan watched Midnight respond immediately and they transformed to meet the attack. Nathan was surprised by their quick reflexes, even though he'd spent a day training with them, he was convinced that such pretty boys could never be a real threat against real fighters like the rogues.

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