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The word echoed through the stadium and the room erupted into even louder screams. Jaeson hadn't meant to say that word but he was struggling with his control at the moment. His wolf was wild with happiness and excitement. It was all Jaeson could do to keep it together enough to finish the song.

She's here, she's here. I've found her! His wolf was howling in acceptance of finding his mate.

The other members gave him a shocked looked but then they quickly pulled it together so they could finish the song and continue the performance. Jaeson pulled his eyes away reluctantly from the gorgeous redhead standing on the stairs, but now was not the time to lose control. It was not easy with the mating pull and the smell of coconuts hitting him like a mack truck. Thank goodness the next song was Mingyu's solo. He pulled his frazzled attention back together long enough to not look like a complete idiot who has forgotten his dance moves to the song.

As the song ended, he could see the redhead snap out of her shocked stare and run up the stairs. He noticed her joining a group of girls and noted the general area she was in. He'd send someone to go get her as soon as he could get backstage. As the lights dimmed, he used his enhanced wolf sight to keep an eye on the girl. As he and the other members moved off stage to give Mingyu his solo, his wolf objected.

Don't walk away. We can't lose her. Go to her. I need her. His wolf struggled to take over.

"Relax, She isn't going anywhere. She's watching the concert and I know exactly where she is. Once the concert is over, we'll bring her backstage. She won't get away. But we have to do our job. I need you to not fight me as we finish the concert." Jaeson sternly told his wolf. His members had other concerns.

"Are you out of your mind?" Hoon quietly yelled at him. "Every person heard you yell mate. Do you know what everyone is going to think?"

"Did you find her? IS she out there?" Jeon asked.

"What happened out there?" Seokmin commanded.

"I'll tell you later, but the long and short of it is that my mate is a redhead sitting about 30ft from the stage. My wolf is going nuts" Jaeson grabbed his water and hydrated himself before they had to run back on stage.

"We'll take care of this afterward. Keep your wolf under control until then." Seokmin said.

"I'll do my best," Jaeson vowed. He couldn't promise anything though, this situation was coming completely out of left field. Despite what they all said about searching for their mates, he never actually expected to find one.

I always knew she was out there. His wolf declared. Jaeson sighed, took another drink of water, grabbed his next costume change, and switched shirts in record time to be ready to go on stage for the next number. Mingyu finished his song and the members ran back on stage and the concert continued.

Julie was in a panic. How could her mate be a member of Midnight? How in the world did that even happen? What was the Moon Goddess thinking?

"Did you get any good shots? They were right in front of you!" Screamed Stacy as she tried to talk over the noise.

"I got distracted," Julie yelled back.

"Heh, I don't blame you, they are hot enough to mate with." She laughed and returned her attention to the concert.

"You have no idea," Julie groaned. Her friends were never going to believe this.

Julie watched Jaeson dance and felt the pull as her feelings yearned to grab him and never let go. Jewels howled in defiance each time the crowd yelled Jaeson's name. Julie closed her eyes to focus on controlling her wolf from jumping up on stage and yelling her claim on her mate.

My Mate is an Idol || Book 1 of the Midnight SagaWhere stories live. Discover now