The Concert

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The bus rolled up to the Stadium and already there were fans lined up, waiting to enter the venue. Screams erupted as Midnight's bus turned into the venue and drove past them and around to the back of the venue. Gates blocked the fans from getting too close so the boys and their band members could safely get into the Stadium and load equipment.

The members took a quick tour of the stadium while their crew took their bags into their dressing rooms. The makeup artists and wardrobe assistants started to unpack and set up what each boy would need for their concert. After the tour, the members joined their team in the dressing rooms, grabbed water bottles, and headed to the stage to do a technical rehearsal.

Stacy pulled into the parking lot and tried to find a parking spot. "I told you we should have left sooner. It's crowded as it is. At this rate, we'll be lucky if we can see anything from the back of the section."

"Oh hush," Elizabeth said, "Darcy got here late last night to save places in line. There wasn't a hurry."

Julie gazed at the crowd, feeling the excitement in the air. The crowd was bubbling with energy as fans sang favorite songs, danced their favorite routines and shared their favorite stories with each other. As they hunted for Darcy in the extensive line forming around the stadium, they enjoyed the spectacle around them. The various dance groups who were performing their favorite dances were fun to watch. People would join in for the parts that they knew before stopping to watch the rest. Fangirls and fanboys were holding signs or dressed in outfits that they hoped would get them noticed by the members of Midnight. On everyone's mind was the fact that all the members of Midnight were single and old enough to find their destined mates.

The girls found Darcy in line deep in conversation with others over what type of mate the Moon Goddess would have planned for each mate. "...anyone stuck with that loser." said one girl pompously.

"Who's the loser?" Stacy jumped in and asked.

Darcy nodded to the girl she was talking to, "This is Dana and she was saying how much she disliked certain members."

"Why is she even here if she dislikes the members?" Elizabeth raised an eyebrow.

"I don't dislike all of them. My bias is Jaeson. He's the youngest and is just so sweet and special and I hate that he's exposed to a pervert like Taekwoon." The girl tossed her brown hair and stuck her nose in the air. "Why do they even bother having such a member in their group?"

"Cause he's hot and sexy as hell!" Stacy said bluntly. This response caused those who had been listening to crack up with laughter. Others jumped in to defend their sexy Taekwoon and soon those standing close by in line were drawn into the light-hearted but passionate debate of the pros and cons of each member in the group.

Do you smell that? Jewels suddenly spoke up.

"What?" Julie thought to her wolf.

I'm not sure, but there is something. Keep your senses open, I'll see if I can pinpoint it. Julie could feel her wolf extending her senses. The noise of the crowd got louder, the scent on the wind became more pronounced. Julie could even taste something on her tongue with each breath. Whatever had caught Jewels' attention, wasn't standing out to Julie. She was getting hundreds of new scents from the crowd, but nothing was special about them. She let Jewels do whatever she was doing and refocused on the debate at hand.

The technical rehearsal was done, the final sound checks were completed and three boys stood on the top floor of the Stadium looking out the window on the growing crowd outside. Vendors were setting up booths so fans could buy t-shirts, lightsticks, and other goodies that would excite them.

My Mate is an Idol || Book 1 of the Midnight SagaWhere stories live. Discover now