A run through the forest

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Jaeson, Taekwoon, and Jungwoo ran through the forest towards Julie's house. Long and lean in their wolf forms, they easily navigated the forest that surrounded the town that Julie's pack lived in. Jaeson had to see his mate but due to the danger of the mating pull, he wasn't going alone.

"Her scent is stronger this way." Jay indicated a new path.

"Her home is not this way," Jaeson objected.

"She is this way." Jay insisted.

Jaeson turned in the direction that the scent dictated and indeed, it did get stronger. Taekwoon and Jungwoo followed letting Jay direct where they were going.

The scent of coconuts increased and joined that of sunflowers, vanilla and cinnamon, and peppermint.

"She is with her friends. A girls night? Stacy is with her." Taekwoon's wolf said with interest.

"These four girls all have an intriguing scent to them." Jungwoo's wolf commented.

Jay growled as he listened to his packmates comment on the four girls. "Appreciate the others, Jewels is mine."

Taekwoon's wolf huffed in laughter. "Jealous much?"

"Give him a break, he just found his mate. He hasn't tasted her yet." Jungwoo's wolf teased causing Taekwoon's wolf to laugh harder.

Jay kept growling as they ran unable to tolerate any comments about his mate. She was his and nobody else could appreciate her. Jaeson smiled to himself at his wolf grumbled and bristled at his friends' comments. He was indeed proud of the woman who was his. He hoped Jay's possessiveness would calm down once they could finally mark her as their own. They had a long way to go before the tour was over and they could claim her as was their right.

The three wolves approached the house where the four girls were staying. As they watched the house, Julie came up to the window and grinned. She turned to say something and soon there were four faces looking out the window. Two of the new faces broke out into grins while one stood there looking reserved. The girls all disappeared from the window and they could hear the stomping of feet downstairs. Soon the back door opened and there stood all four girls on the back porch.

Julie grinned to see her mate. "I don't suppose you guys brought clothes with you to change into?" She watched the chocolate brown wolf shook his head. He then raised his eyebrows and jerked his head, inviting her to go running with them. Julie grinned in excitement and ran back into the house to remove her clothes and change into her wolf.

'Hey, you are not going without me," Stacy ran inside to change into her wolf.

"You guys better keep an eye on that pair," called Darcy indicating Julie and Jaeson. "Don't you dare let them mate." Taekwoon and Jungwoo's wolves nodded their heads once, showing their understanding.

Julie's red pelted wolf soon bounded out the door followed by Stacy's light brown wolf. Jewels ran straight toward Jay and jumped on him playfully. Sparks erupted along their fur as they came into contact. Jay licked Jewels in a caress as they greeted each other. Stacy's wolf bounded around Taekwoon and soon butted him in the shoulder. All five wolves then turned around and ran back to the forest.

"I wonder if they can stay out of trouble tonight?" Darcy laughed.

"I don't think Jaeson and Julie are the ones we have to worry about," Elizabeth commented as they returned to the house.

The five wolves ran through the forest enjoying the cool earth beneath their feet and the smell of green earth all around them. Spring brought new life to the forest and even at night the scents filled the noses of the wolves and told the story of the forest. For Julie, this was still a time of magic and discovery. New senses awakened and a new body to explore gave her mind so much to ponder on and react to. Then she had to contend with the close proximity of her mate. Their fur would touch as they bounded together through the forest and sparks would light up where the hairs would meet. She knew just how potent skin contact was, but the individual sparks that coated each individual hair when caressed by her mate made even casual contact an explosion of sensation, each a separate point of light that caused her and Jewels to shiver.

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