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Julie stood in the training room dressed in an old sweatshirt, leggings, and tennis shoes. Her red hair was up in a ponytail and she had with her a towel and water bottle. She had gotten here early hoping to steal some time with Jaeson but they hadn't arrived yet. She had considered dressing in something cute to flirt with Jaeson in, but then practicality kicked in and considering she was here to learn to fight and defend herself, she wanted comfort over pretty.

Stacy walked into the room followed by Elizabeth and Darcy. Stacy was dressed in a white tank top with a bright pink sports bra underneath. She had on the tightest shorts Julie had ever seen on her and tennis shoes. Elizabeth and Darcy were dressed more comfortably.

"My goodness, girl, what are you wearing?" Stacy looked appalled at Julie's outfit.

"More than you are, clearly." Julie laughed. "Besides, I'm here to learn to fight, not flirt with the boys." Julie gave her a knowing look.

Stacy grinned, unrepentant, "True, you can't get laid yet, so there is no need for you to look sexy." This made Elizabeth roll her eyes and Darcy start laughing.

"Jaeson probably thinks she'd look hot in burlap," Darcy giggled.

Julie grinned, "most likely." If the last 24 hours were anything to go by, Jaeson was truly besotted. He had sat with her family and friends during the picnic last night and while outwardly he was calm and professional, under the table, he never let go of her hand. Eating a hamburger with one hand while sparks shot through her arm took some doing, but Julie wouldn't have traded that time for anything. She knew that her time with her mate would be limited once he was back on tour. She'd take what she could get.

"So why are my unshifted friends here at werewolf training?" Julie teased her two best friends.

"Emotional support. Also, we thought it would help provide cover if 'stuff happened'" Darcy quipped.

"Besides, we're going to be werewolves in a few months. Can't hurt to start training early." Elizabeth said.

Others started to trickle in as it got closer to class time. Beta Aaron walked in followed by Midnight. Julie tried to hide the smile on her face, but there was a twinkle when her green eyes locked onto sexy chocolate brown ones. They kept their distance as many in the room weren't in on the secret, but it was hard to not stare. Julie then laughed at herself, they were Midnight, everyone was staring and nobody would think it amiss if she did, too. The other students in the room were whispering in excitement at their presence.

A snarl escaped the lips of the next person to walk in. Michelle walked in with Nathan following glumly behind her. Her warning growl was almost amusing as Julie had no interest in her former best friend. Nathan stared at Julie with longing on his face, but Julie gave him a look of disdain and stood and faced Beta Aaron, ignoring Nathan completely.

"Knock it off, Michelle. In my training class, you will keep your wolf under control. Do you got that?" He looked at her severely. "You will have your fight when I think you are both trained properly, not until then." Michelle pouted but nodded. They took their places with Nathan standing conspicuously apart from Michelle.

"I'm sure you're well aware who my guests are. They are joining us for our training time before they take over the gym to continue the work they need to do for their tour. They are all experienced fighters and have agreed to help teach you in exchange for using our facilities. This is a privilege, so don't abuse it." Aaron glared harshly at the kids in the room. Blushed smiles and rueful smirks were returned.

"Midnight, I would like you to split yourself up among the more experienced students and start working with them. I'm going to start the beginning group. Then we will mix it up."

My Mate is an Idol || Book 1 of the Midnight SagaWhere stories live. Discover now