First Impressions

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I'm ready. Julie's wolf calmly said. Julie closed her eyes, took a deep breath and then looked at the security guard.

"Once the concert is over, and after the fans have left, then we'll go backstage," Julie told the security guard. He nodded to her and spoke quietly into his mic piece. Julie turned and saw that her friends were staring at her, waiting for an explanation.

"Just watch the end of the concert, I'll tell you later." Julie nodded towards the stage where the members of Midnight were singing their final song for everyone. Her friends reluctantly returned to watching the end of the concert.

When the final song was over, the crowd screamed their love and approval for the members of Midnight. As the members started to leave the stage, one word could be heard chanting by the crowd.

"mate! mate! Mate! MATE! MATE!" Over and over the crowd caught and repeated the word that had unintentionally slipped from Jaeson's lips. Julie watched as the whole crowd grew excited. The crowd assumed one of them was the discovered mate and they wanted to know who it was. Julie watched to see how the members would handle it. She knew that a group's popularity was a precarious balance between reality and the fantasy that they created. Part of Midnight's charm was from the pending discovery of mates for the werewolves. The fantasy that any fan could be the secret destined mate was a fantasy too potent to resist.

Jaeson walked to the end of the stage and faced the excited crowd. "As you know, we are on a search for our soulmates. The wolves inside us have only one mate for life. My wolf had become so excited by the love you give us that he spoke in excitement. Our precious Nightflowers, it is as if you are our mates. You are our souls. We could never have any of this without your love. We, the members of Midnight are soulmates with our fans. With the blessings of the Moon Goddess, we will be together for all eternity."

In response to those words, the fans screamed their love and devotion. Each boy bowed to the room, blew a kiss and left the stage.

Nice save. Julie's wolf commented.

"I'm surprised you aren't angry that he didn't announce to the room that he'd found his mate," Julie replied to her wolf.

I'm not unreasonable. I can hear your thoughts and realized how sensitive our situation here could be. I can defend myself if I have to, but against 20,000 rabid fans would be too much even for me. Jewel's said in a droll tone of voice.

Julie smiled at her wolf's words as her friends turned to her.

"Why the smile?" Darcy asked.

"So, care to explain what that security guard was talking about?" Stacy raised an eyebrow.

"Your parents didn't get backstage passes, so why are we being invited to go backstage?" Elizabeth asked.

"We have to wait for people to leave anyway, so I might as well take time to tell you. You are not going to believe this." Julie told them. They took their seats as Julie started to explain.

Back in the green room, Jaeson was having a hard time being patient. The security guards had informed him that they would bring his girl after the VIP guests had left. He kept running his hands through his black hair. He was visibly agitated and the fans who had come backstage were very aware that something was bothering their beloved maknae.

"Relax," Joon told him.

Taekwoon took over charming the guests by removing the remains of his fifth shredded shirt of the night. Blushes bloomed around the room as young women awed over his well-defined abs.

"Our wardrobe people are going to go on strike if you keep ripping up your shirts that way," Hoon teased Taekwoon. This made everyone laugh.

"Hey, it's a living. I'm giving them work to do." Taekwoon winked at a young girl whose mother was eyeing him appreciatively. The young girl giggled at the thought of a harassed wardrobe person scrambling to find enough shirts.

My Mate is an Idol || Book 1 of the Midnight SagaWhere stories live. Discover now