Chapter 2: Escape

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I could faintly hear voices talking from somewhere near me, they were muffled by an annoying beeping sound that I just wanted to shut up.

"Her body is extremely weak. We have treated her wounds and she has been placed on a drip... but it could be weeks before her healing abilities can function properly again. It doesnt help that she's an omega and her wolf traits arent as strong to begin with. With that being said, she should be regaining consciousness within the next couple of days or so."

"Thank you doctor."

As soon as he spoke my body stiffened on it's own accord and my heart started to accelerate along with the beeping sound. That's when it hit me, I was in a hospital. But why? Why would this ruthless man do anything that would help me?

Suddenly a warm, tingling sensation coated my hand. My bodies natural reaction was the calm under whoever's touch, but I knew better than to put my walls down. I was in the midst of monsters, it would be suicide to fool myself into thinking I was safe, even for one second.

I willed my eye's to open. At first it was hard, they felt heavy and lifting them was a great struggle. But, somehow I managed. My eye's were met with a white, high ceiling.

"Doctor she's waking up."

I wanted to pull my hand out of his, his mere presence put me on edge. I didn't need to look at him to know who it was. But slowly I lolled my head to the side where my wide, fear stricken eyes were met with the soft glow of blue. His eyes looked different, they weren't cold and emotionless, like they had been. This time they were warm and filled with worry. If I hadn't of gone through what I did, I might have fallen for such an act, but I wasn't that naïve.

I weakly pulled my hand out of his as the doctor started flashing a bright light into my eyes and running multiple tests. The entire time I could feel his stare penetrating me, it made me nervous and apprehensive of what was to come.

The doctor must have been talking with the alpha through the pack link, because they both went quiet but then the doctor gave me a sad, sympathetic smile and left me alone with the intimidating man.

The room fell into an uncomfortable silence. I was trying my best to keep my breathing steady, but the pure fear I was feeling made doing such a thing almost impossible.

His stare never wavered. I couldnt meet his eye's though, I was too afraid. None of this made sense. I knew he was my mate, my whole body was screaming that it was so but he had played a huge part in my suffering, I couldn't stand having him anywhere near me. As much as my body was screaming for his touch, it was screaming louder to run away.

Minutes went by and nothing was said, my panic started to grow. What was he going to do to me? Would he reject me and then throw me back in the cells to rot? I may be his mate but I'm a rogue. He had no problem sending a seventeen year old girl to such an awful place and putting her through hell, I don't doubt he would do the same to his mate.

"How do you feel?"

I didn't answer the man sitting on the chair next to the hospital bed I was lying on; I couldn't bring myself to talk.

He kept staring into my eye's expectantly, but when he saw that I wasn't going to answer, he released an exasperated huff and ran a hand down his face. He looked a lot more dishevelled than when I had last seen him. A shadow of a beard stained his face and his eye's were carrying bags, not that this did anything to affect his attractiveness. I knew it was the mate bond, but I hated how no matter how much I despised this man, the attraction was not something I could ignore.

There was so much I needed to know and the silence that had fallen between us only helped to spur on my frantic thoughts. Mentally encouraging my self to speak, I looked up at the ceiling, feeling unable to look at him as I did so.

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