Chapter 11: He's Coming

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"Hello Luna."

Confusion washes over me as the man steps out of the darkness. The moonlight highlights his features; a face that my eyes had never fallen upon before, is revealed.

I was so sure I could smell Beta Andrews, there was no mistaking that scent. In fact, I could still smell him... yet this man was indeed, not him.

I try to keep my eyes trained on the stranger in front of me, but find them wondering around my dark surrounding, nervous as to where the ex Beta may be hiding. He was here, I was sure of it.

"Who... who are you?"

His lips curve up on one side menacingly.

"Gosh... I'm hurt you don't remember me."

His right hand lays over his heart, as he speaks with a sarcasticly amused tone.

I search his face. His dirty blonde hair that looks unclean, his unshaved face that was almost too pale along with his sunken, almost black, insane filled eyes did not ring a bell in my memories.

"It's been, what? A year or so now... The last time I saw you, we were surrounded by blood and fire."

Then realisation hits me... but he couldn't be... how was he here?

"Y-you... your..."

My body starts to tremble uncontrollably as my eyes frantically search for an escape, thoughts of Beta Andrews momenterally forgotten. Escaping this insane and purely evil rouge was the top priority for the moment. I would be stupid to think I could defend myself against him, he was stronger than me, I could sense it.

"Why are you here? What do you want?"

My lips tremble as I push myself to speak, I was sure he was there to finish what he had started, but still I asked, hoping to buy myself some time before the inevitable.

Darius had said that there were patrol wolves... so where were they? How had he managed to get in?

His smirk only seemed to grow at my blatant fear, suddenly he viciously lunges towards me with intentions to kill. A shrill scream escape my mouth, as my hands fly up to my face in a pathetic attempt to shield myself from the attack. I wait for the inevitable pain, but nothing comes.

Suddenly the sounds of a pained whimper invades my ears.

I stare wide eyed at the scene in front of me.

The rouge was pinned against one of the forests trees by his neck, he was squirming, whilst making futile attempts to pry his attackers hand from around his neck, as his face turned redder by the second. However, that wasn't the most shocking thing about this situation.

Beta Andrews was snarling in the rouges face, his eyes were glowing a deadly yellow and his canines were elongated threateningly, as he growled with a deeply angered furuscioisness, at the now petrified rouge.

"State your business, rouge!"

The rouge's response suprised me, as he breathlessly started to laugh meniacly, before letting his eyes fall onto my all but shocked face.

"He doesn't... like... loose ends..."

He pathetically struggles to speak through the tight grasp around his neck.

The ex Beta growls louder, before mercilessly throwing the gasping rouge to the ground.

"Don't you dare lay your filthy eyes on her, you mutt!"

I was once again shocked to say the least that this man was defending me.

The rouge was gasping desperately for air, as though he had been starved of it for years. But this didn't stop him from laughing like the maniac he was. It was as though he knew something hilarious, that none of us did.

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