Chapter 3: When The Past Comes Knocking

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A large hand wraps itself around my neck, effectively cutting off my air supply. I pull at my restraints, as they cut deep into my already injured wrists, in a desperate attempt to get out of the vice grip that was seeping my life force. Just as black spots invade my vision, beta Andrews let's go, a dark snicker escaping his lips as my head weakly falls forward. I'm a panting mess as I greedily take in the stale air of my cell. I don't have time to recover before a sharp, silver knife, is plunged into my left shoulder.

"What are you and your bastard friends planning?! Tell me, you filthy rouge!!!"

All I can do is scream in pain, I know begging wont work, it hasn't before and no matter how many times I tell him that I don't know, he just won't listen.

He twists the knife slowly, causing me to let out another scream of agony, as hot tears stain my bloodied and bruised face.

He removes the knife from my shoulder, before throwing the blood-covered weapon to the cold ground.

"You're an Omega. Weaklings like you don't work alone; you're too weak to survive without some sort of help. I'm going to find out what you and your group of filthy rogue friends are up to, mark my words."

He brings his fist up, before mercilessly punching my face.

My eyes fly open as my breathing comes out harsh and laboured. It's the same sort of dream every night, except it's not a dream... they're memories that I wish I could forget.

It's been almost a year since I escaped that hell hole, but I still can't forget it. The endless beatings and the man that caused it all... the man who's blue eye's haunt me.

Sweat covered my body and I decide to go for a cold shower to cool myself down, in an effort to try and distract myself from my dark thoughts.

I let the cold water cascade down my pale skin, creating goose bumps along my 5.7ft, toned frame. As my long, brunette hair soaks up the falling water, I can't help but take a sigh in relief. I was safe now, it was something I had to keep reminding myself of.

Getting out, I let my deep green eyes rack over my body. Luckily, because I was a werewolf, my healing abilities managed to heal most of the damage I had received during my time at Dark Lake. However, a few scares still remained from the times silver was used on me. My hand mindlessly went up to my shoulder, rubbing the slightly paler patch of damaged skin, which unfortunately wasn't the only scar left from the brutal experience.

I look at my phone and mentally curse, it was eight am. I had to be in work for half past, it was my turn to open up the diner.

After running from Dark Lake, I had found myself in human territory. I've managed to blend in well, it's a small town, far from any pack territory and very few wolves pass through here and the one's that do, don't want any bother. I was able to settle in fast, even finding a job at the local diner within the first couple of days.

It was because of my boss, Jason, that I was able to move into this apartment. He owns the building and when I told him I was currently living in a B & B, whilst using the money from the job to pay for my room, he was quick to offer me a place to stay. I tried to refuse, feeling as though I owed this man too much as it was. Hiring a stranger with no CV and a past she doesn't speak of, was a risky move on his part. But he took the chance and I will forever be grateful for that. However, he was insistent and would not take no for an answer, so here I a living in the apartment he owns.

I couldn't believe my luck, after everything that had happened, thing's were finally starting to look up.

After getting dressed into my work uniform, that consisted of a black polo shirt, a turquise pencil skirt that ended just above my knees and a pair of flat, black dolly shoes, I threw my long, dark locks up into a high pony and ran to the diner. I made it just in time to get everything set up for the day.

The bell on the door chimed and I threw my head up to see a tired looking Jason enter. His 6ft, lean frame was covered in a black hoodie and ripped light blue jeans. There was no denying his attractiveness. In fact, most of our customers were young girls and the odd boy, coming in here to swoon over his good looks. The way his dark blonde hair was effortlessly styled and his deep, warm brown eye's that made you feel welcome, could draw any one in.

It was no secret that the man had a crush on me, I just couldn't think of him in that way. He was so kind and caring, I couldn't help but love him, just not in a romantic way.

"Hello stranger, what are you doing here on your day off and so early in the morning too? We haven't even flipped the 'We're Open!' sign yet."

I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face at the slight blush coated his cheeks.

"Well, I knew you were opening up and I um, was just coming to check on you. You know, to see if you were okay and that everything went smoothly."

He was rubbing the back of his neck nervously as he spoke, a gesture I couldn't help but find adorable.

I always wondered what life would be like if I was able to fall fall for a man like Jason. Would I be happy? I'm sure I would be but the past would catch up with me eventually. I couldn't risk someone getting hurt if you know who managed to find me... I can't help the shiver that wracks me at the thought of what he would do, to not only them but me too. Plus, I'm a werewolf, how the hell would I explain it when our children started growing fur and turn into wolves at 14, when they become old enough to shift? What a conversation that would be.

"I'm fine Jase, the diner's not falling apart and I'm in one piece, thank you for your concern though. Why don't you sit down and I'll get you a drink?"

I can't help but tease him slightly, I know I shouldn't but I know he was just trying to find an excuse to come and see me.

"I'd love to but I actually have to take my sister to London for a job interview."

He looked disappointed that he couldn't stay. His full pink slips pouted slightly and his neat, yet manly eyebrows, knotted slightly as he spoke.

"But please, call me if you need anything... anything at all."

I couldn't help but notice the obvious hope that I may just call in his tone and my eyes rolled on their own accord.

"Don't worry Jase, I'll be fine. Plus the cooks will be here within ten minutes or so. You need to get going, I'll see you later."

He gave me a weak smile, obviously disappointed but not surprised by my answer, before saying his goodbyes and leaving the diner.

The day went by fast and as closing time came around, I couldn't help but feel relieved. Don't get me wrong, I love my job and the customers are all lovely regulars. However, that doesn't take away from the fact that it's hard work.

I was sweeping up the last bits off of the floor as the bell signalling someone had entered, chimed loudly, penetrating the silence of the empty diner.

"I'm sorry we're clos..."

As my eye's landed on the person in question, I froze in absolute fright, all colour draining from my fear stricken face.

"Hello, mate..."

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