Chapter Eight : a surprising visit .

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it had been one month since i came to Korea , and now i am in a team with Hyo-jin , which is called :"Jane -Jin ", Super Junior knew about the news , S.M told the members about the new team , so without realizing and while me and Hyo-jin were in the studio , trying to write a song , someone came in, i turned to see who was it , and for my surprise it was Donghae with Kyuhyun then after one minute the other members came in , Ryeowook was holding a bouquet of flowers , then the members approached us .

Leeteuk : "Congratulations , soon you will be famous ." then he hugged me in a sweet way :3

Eunhyuk :" as i told you before ,Jane , we will be close friends ."

Jane : " let's hope so."

then Hyo-jin said : " Eunhyuk - ssi , you look so handsome"

Eunhyuk replied on her compliment with a blush : " heheh , thanks , you look pretty by the way ."

hyo-jin smiled at him adoringly . i felt that there will a good relationship between Hyo-jin and Eunhyuk .

Ryeowook approached me with shy and nervous steps , i noticed that his face turned red and he said : " Jane-ssi , uh..uh , this bouquet of flower is ..for you ."

I replied with a smile : " Kamsahamnida , that is so kind of you ."

Ryeowook : " hehehe , congratulations , i bet that you two will be so successful ."

Me :" i hope so , by the way the flowers are so beautiful ."

Ryeowook : " am glad you liked it ."

Kyuhyun was staring at us , from the moment when Ryeowook handed me the bouquet , i wondered why he kept looking at him , whenever he mentioned something about me .

Donghae :" let's go and party ."

Leeteuk " that's right , we need to have a party , we have new members at the company , and just letting you know girls , that all the bands that work in S.M are pretty close to each other , but our band will be the closest to you , cause we will be helping you alot in your career , that what S.M told us , and that will be such a big pleasure to us ."

Hyo-jin : " that's great ."

Sungmin : " so what are we waiting for ? let's go to a nightclub and party "

i said quickly : " night club ?? but am underage , so hyo-jin too ."

Sungmin : " wait , how old are you both ?"

I told him :" i am 18 and hyo-jin is 19 "

Sungmin :" ooh, am sorry ."

i comforted him by saying :' don't worry , it is fine ."

Yesung :' as long we are not going to have a party , then let's get to know each other better , or let's just talk about anything ."

Shindong :" that's a good idea ."

Ryeowook :" so when is your debut ?"

hyo-jin :" after 12 days ."

Eunhyuk : " did you write a song?"

Hyo-jin : " well .. you can say that , but we are still working on it ."

Eunhyuk : " can i check it ?"

Hyo-jin and I : " sure ."

He read what we wrote loudly .


finally .. after dreaming for so long and working so long .. my dream came true

I will soon shine brighter than a star .

people soon will fall in love with me , oh yeah ~

my life will change completely , but i will be fine with that.

i dreamt day and night to make my dream true

i worked alot to achieve my dream

and soon i will rise like a skyscraper . x2

Eunhyuk : " it sounds good "

Hyo-jin :" thank you ."

Donghae:" keep the hard work, girls ."

Leeteuk :" if you need help , just let us know ."

Me :" arasseo , thank you so much ."

Ryeowook : " did you eat your dinner ?"

Me :" not really ."

Ryeowook : " then let's go to eat dinner ."

Yesung :" yeah , we didn't have dinner either "

i said : " ok , then "

Hyo-jin :" that will be interesting ."

Kyuhyun :" ok let's go , to be honest am starving ."

we went to a korean restaurant , the food was delicious , and i thanked the members alot for the warm greeting , the members were so kind , they tried to be nice in everyway , Hyo-jin and I liked them so much , that Hyo-jin told me that she was the happiest person on this world , she started to fangirl on Eunhyuk , about how handsome and sweet he was with her , she was like that until she reached her home , i wished her a good-night , and as well i kept walking to my own appartement , her house wasn't far away from mine .


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