Chapter Eighteen:April Larring?

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::::A/N:April Larring is supposed to be the name of'll see >=}::::

Becca, Skylar, and Claire bolted as fast as a Firebolt 5000 to the Quidditch field. Matt, Jack J., and Jack G. were playing today. On their Need-For-Speed run, Claire tripped over another girl. Claire faceplanted inches away from the girl with long black hair, her bangs pulled back by a headband. She looked around the girls' age.

"I'm sorry! I was in your way! I should've moved somewhere else! I'm reeeeeeeaaally sorry!" The girl apologized with wide eyes."Here, let me help you up!"

The girl grabbed Claire's hand and pulled her up with all her might. Claire remained on the floor, her arm still being tugged by the Girl. Claire then got up herself and her arm was still being yanked on.

"Hey, chick! I'm up! You can let go of my arm nooooowwww!" Claire said while shaking her arm.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" The Girl exclaimed fidgety.

"You say 'sorry' too much." Skylar told the jumpy girl.

"...Sorry..." The Girl said apologetically and miserably.

"What's your name?" Becca asked.

"And please don't say 'sorry'!" Claire complained. The Girl gasped and started giggling.

"Heehee! My name isn't Sorry! It's April. April Larring." The Girl said when she was done with her laugh fit.

"Blood?" Skylar asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Skylar, why does it mat-?"

"Pure-Blood." April replied all smiley.

"Am I the only one who thought Skylar was crazy when she asked me that?!" Becca exclaimed. Skylar shrugged while Claire and April laughed.

"And she cried over a still think she's normal?!" Claire exclaimed while sniggering.

"I don't think she was even born normal." Becca replied. The reply earned simultaneous yells at Skylar "OOOOOO, BUUUUURN!" The girls then walked to the Quidditch Pitch together. April was a Ravenclaw as well, but no one seemed to notice her due to her extreme shyness.

"It comes from my mom's side." April informed the girls before the match started. April had a cousin in Gryffindor.

"His name is Matthew Espinosa. Know him?" April asked. Claire, Skylar, and Becca nodded.

"He's one of our best friends!" Skylar exclaimed. April gasped.

"No way! That's great! Had he ever mentioned me? I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't."

"Why?" Becca asked as curiosity now surged through her veins.

"My family is a bum-load of blood traitors. My dad was a pure-blood and my mother was a pure-blood but they love Muggles. I'm fascinated with them as well! I don't know why, but their non-magic selves are just so interesting and wonderful and mysterious and...and just so beautiful! Don't'cha think?!" April obsessed.

"Well, I've lived with Muggles and there is nothing that interesting, but still, if you like Muggles-"

"I DONT 'LIKE'! I LOOOOOOOVE!" April interrupted.

"Yeah. Anyways-"


-----A/N:ALRIGHT! April is based off of L_seger and the next chapter'll have the Quidditch game! sort of. Well, you'll see! Thanks for reading! Please Vote, Comment, Follow, and Share this story!!"

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