Chapter 30: Closer

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The next evening, Khushi sighed as she leaned back into the pillows scattered on the sitting room sofa. Di looked up from her knitting.

"Are you okay?"

"Huh? Oh yes, just uhh ... tired."

Having spent the day cooking, delivering, cleaning and shopping for her dabba service, Khushi had returned home to find the ladies of the household engaged in solitary pursuits. Di was knitting. Jiji and Nani-ji were choosing a blanket for Di's Rajkumari. Mami-ji was eating a salad while flipping through a magazine.

"Didn't Chhote let you sleep last night?" Di leaned over to whisper.

"Di!" Khushi gasped as he cheeks instantly heated, "What are you ... I'm tired because I worked all morning."

And because Arnav-ji woke me up early to kiss me again.

But Di didn't need to know that.

Nor did she need to know about the kiss he'd bestowed at the front door, his fingers roaming across her body and a groan on his lips as he reluctantly pulled away.

"My mistake," Di's smirk was uncannily like her brother's, but she was diverted by Jiji before she could continue her teasing.

"We've chosen this one for your Rajkumari," Jiji handed over a sky blue blanket, "and I'll embroider it for her."

"Oh, Payal-ji, this is wonderful. She'll love it! I'll wrap her in it when we bring her home."

Khushi leaned forward eagerly, "Jiji is the best at embroidery! People used to especially ask for her saris when she was helping with Bua-ji's business."

"We are lucky to have such talented bahus," Nani-ji nodded.

"But I wish I could do that," Khushi indicated to Di's knitting.

"Would you like to learn?" Di laughed.

"Yes, please!"

Mami-ji sniffed her disapproval, "When will she have time to learn? Busy as she is with her bijjiness."

"I'm only gone from the house in the morning," Khushi smiled in reply, "I'll learn in the afternoons and evenings. Thank you for offering to teach me, Di."

"It will come in handy when you and Chhote have your own children."

Blushing, Khushi stretched for a magazine and hid behind it while the others giggled and tittered. She only emerged when her sister addressed her.

"Oh, Khushi, I just remembered. Amma called this morning while you were out and she sends her love."

"Is Babu-ji alright?!" her pulse quickened in fear.

"Yes, yes, he's fine. She said they're taking him to the specialist tomorrow for a regular checkup."


Further conversation was prevented by the ring of the doorbell. Khushi's pulse skittered as an awareness crept over her.

"Must be Chhote and Aakash," Di craned her neck as Hari Prakash-ji opened the door.

Sure enough, the men entered the sitting area shortly, both looking as tired as Khushi felt.

"Aakash-bitwa," Mami-ji slid her plate and magazine away, "you look unwell!"

Aakash-ji flopped onto a vacant seat, "No, Maa, just exhausted."

"Khoon-Bh ... I mean, Payal-bitiya, make him some chai, will you?"

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