[ 11 | Ready ]

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I felt so weird writing this and I have no idea why. Most of my stories start off fine, but I've never actually gotten to the fluff part between characters except for regular interactions so uH excuse me if this is absolutely dog trash

Also: THIS IS A BONUS CHAPTER - this will not count in the final chapter reveal :)

Chapter 11 - Ready ◈
◈ Unedited ◈

----- ◈ Chapter 11 - Ready ◈◈ Unedited ◈-----

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◇ "I gotta say, you're amazing."



Saturday - 1:02 pm | Earth-1610

Slipping in your second earring, you crammed your head to the side to get a better look at it in the mirror.

Miles had bought them earlier for you, and believe it or not, he had very good taste. You stared at your shining earrings in awe, before the sound of music began to play loudly outside your house.

'Lookin' at you sideways, party on tilt.'

You swept your hands across your F/C dress, ensuring that there was no unwanted lint on it and resumed your routine. At first, you ignored the sound, perhaps thinking it was coming from next door, but it began to play even louder as you waited.

'Ooh-ooh, some things you just can't refuse.'

Curious, you walked up to your window sill, brushed the curtains apart, and lifted up the glass. You poked your head out of the window and scanned the area until your focus fell on someone standing right in front of the building.

'She wanna ride like a cruise, and I'm not tryna lose.'

Miles was standing there, with a giant boom box held over his head. The song Sunflower was blasting out of the speakers, and the nervous look on Miles' face indicated that if he kept doing what he was doing, he was going to get in trouble. Other than that, he had a cheeky grin plastered across it and was staring up at you intently.

'Then you're left in the dust, unless I stuck by ya.'

'You're the sunflower, I think your love would be too much.'

Your mouth dropped open in astonishment and your cheeks began to heat up. The gesture was so sweet of Miles and you placed a hand over your heart and sighed affectionately.

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