Chapter 1 :The Vision

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Catra walked around her room while contemplating her next course of action. 'I could go in with a fleet and investigate while they go in and attack while the Whispering Woods are still in ruins but that would leave the She-Ra situation and that would leave my fleet completely demolished.' She let out a sigh before falling into a chair. Who was she? Was she a monster in the Whispering Woods or was she a spy for the rebellion? But one thing was for sure,she had to find out who she was.

"Ugh! Why does this have to be so hard!?" She sat there for a few minutes before she jolted up and. She smiled started packing her things for the strip. "Scorpia. Tell Lord Hordak that I'm conducting my investigation and I'll be sending feedback on my findings along with the status on the Princess Alliance. I'll request back up if needed. And make sure Entrapta doesn't mess with anything she not supposed to." Scorpia saluted her and walked away, but not before giving her a right hug goodbye, and receiving only Catra's protest against such actions to the seconds in command.

"Well if it isn't the place that started it all," Catra said aloud as she flew the Skiff into the Woods, she shivered since it was still covered in frost and ice from when the Black Garnet was under their influence. She continued to fly until she reached her so-called destination, Bright-moon, but she didn't dare enter, despite her rash actions and boldness, she was quite intelligent. She climbed the trees and continued to look around the area,it looked the same as everything else in this dead-end forest.

Catra sighed, "Might as well send in what I've found out." Catra pulled out her digital notepad and started typing.

'Lord Hordak, so far nothing to report other than the increased defense on the kingdoms perimeter, other than that and the unknown whereabouts of She-Ra, the kingdom of Bright-Moon is completely defenseless. The Whispering Woods are still inactive. I will later report more within due time.'

-Commander Catra

Catra leaned against the tree and sighed once again, she concealed herself in the leaves of a large tree and closed her eyes. Suddenly she felt incredibly tired. She tried to keep her eyes open but soon her own body betrayed her, and she drifted off into sleep.

The sound of an infant's cries filled the cat's ears as she looked around. 'Where am I?' She thought as she looked around. She didn't know why, the place she stood in looked very familiar to her. She walked forward in the direction of the wailing. She smelt smoke. She ran faster, hoping she could reach the child faster.

Suddenly, a large explosion was heard as fire filled the hallway. She ran into the room where the child was, there in front of her, was a pair of baby cribs. One was missing. Fearing the worst, she tried to pick of the second, but stopped when she saw a shadow looming over her. ShadowWeaver. Catra at first started to shake, but soon realized something shocking. She was holding one of the babies. It looked just like Catra when she was younger.

"This isn't happening currently. This is happening in the past. And that's me."
The crib had a name engraved on it. Catra. Yes, it was her. She looked over at the wailing baby. She looked just like Catra, tanned skin, brown hair, four marks instead of three on her both her arms, and cat ears. "Now. For the other", said ShadowWeaver before the door was kicked open. A man with similar features to the two stepped in wielding a sword a pointed it a ShadowWeaver, the headpiece on his head was identical to the one Catra was wearing currently.

"Put my daughter down now, ShadowWeaver!!" She only laughed and looked down at the other. "I'll make you a deal. I'll take only one and I'll call off the assault. Or maybe I'll only take one since I have another infant in my ship." The king screaming in anger and charged at her. A deep chuckle came from her as one of her tendrils shot forward and impaled his side. He coughed up blood and release his sword and wrapped his hands around the wound. "No" Catra shouted as she went to claw at ShadowWeaver's face only to phase through her.

"Oh, my king. I respect your energy, but please, save it for the war." She retracted the tendril as the king fell to the floor and clutched his waist. Catra ran to his side and once again, phased through the figure. "Once again I will propose the deal. I will only take one and leave the other, and for the exchange, I will call off the attack and say in the report that it is destroyed. I hope you'll come to grips with the situation."

Catra growled as tears filled her feline eyes. ShadowWeaver walked through the hole in the wall and disappeared, leaving the crying baby, Catra and her so-called father alone. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. Was this really how she became a member of the Horde? Was this really how ShadowWeaver adopted her? She felt like she was lying about her adoption but this was a new low. The king crawled to the remaining infant. He was all she had left,his wife had died when the Horde first attack as a pillar fell on her. His daughter had been taken away from him, and now he had only one thing in this world.

"Let's just hope we can lay low until I find a way to get your sister back, Caya."

Catra woke up in a cold sweat and tears running down her face, as much as she tried to wipe them away more continued down her face. She couldn't believe it. Not only was she a princess,but her sister and her father were still alive somewhere. Then that must have been her she saw when she attacked Bright-Moon. She had seen the atrocious acts she had committed. There was only one choice for her. She needed to find them.

Her ears perked up as she heard rustling from behind her. She got in a fighting stance as she prepared herself for battle. "Who's there, come out! I'm armed!" The creature stepped out,Catra put her arms down as tears streamed down her eyes.

The stranger also started to cry, "Hi Catra."

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