Where do we go? (Songfic chapter and FINAL chapter)

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Now it's time to say goodbye

But starting now a brand new life

Catra stood on the roof of her castle next to her sister. She had thought over everything that had happened over the last couple of days and she didn't know what to do or how to react. She thought of asking her father,but the jury was out on that one. She believed in what her father  had told her,she believed that Hordak would take advantage of her mother and she believed that without the influence of Hordak,her mother would have survived and lived to be an amazing queen and mother.

"Caya,where do we go",Catra asked her sister who was sitting down to listening to music,the song that was blear through her headphones was all too relatable. She sat down next to her sister as Caya passed her one of the wireless headphones. "Where do we go? That's a tough question. We either stay here with someone who might not be our father-." "No,he's definitely our dad,Hordak lies about everything to everyone in a means to get what he wants."

And I ask myself

Where do I go from here?

Caya nodded, "That could very well be true. I like the dad we have here and I don't want to think of him as anything less." Catra nodded and leaned on her sisters shoulder and listened to the song.

I'm scared about a million things

I don't know what the future brings

"This song is too relatable", Catra said breaking the silence. "Yup,you know the person who made it lives in here and goes to the school I've been begging dad to let me go to." Catra raised an eyebrow, "the hell's school' sounds like prison." Caya laughed and said she sounded a lot like the kids she would hang out with.

The sound of a trap door swinging open and footsteps coming up behind them would have started them but it was their father. He draped his cloak over their shoulders and held them close. "I'm sorry I couldn't save you in time before he hurt you the way he did." The twins held their dad in a death grip and returned their affection with his own.

He gave each of them a small box,patted their heads and told them not to stay out here too long. "Hey dad,can Catra and I please attend school when it starts please?" Kallen thought for a moment before nodded.

I'm standing at the cross roads looking for the way

My life will never be the same

The twins walked trough the streets of Cetreon,their home was calm and tranquil,they were greeted with warm smiles and kind words. It wasn't long before they ran into their friends Glimmer,Bow and Adora.

"Hey,we heard about what happened and we wanted to see if you were alright." Adora stood rubbed her arm. "We're fine,just hungry and very curious." Glimmer shot Catra a confused look, "about what?"

Where do I go from here?

Can someone ease my sorrow?

After a small trip to the corner store and a music box late they were sitting on a roof eating chips,laughing and listening to music. Catra stared off into the sunset and smiled at her friends goofy behavior and how flustered they were while playing stupid games and sharing weird stories.

"Hey Catra,how are you." Adora sat next to the distracted cat girl, "huh,oh yeah. I'm good." Their conversation had reminded them of their time together back at the FrightZone,their conversation went on for what felt like hours,the sun had gone down a while a go. The sky was peppered with bright stars and the sound of laughter and slight gossip about random things. Catra and Adora laid back on the cold stone roof,things have so peaceful. How long would it last.

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