Sleeping Over

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I was listening to this while writing this so I decided to put it in XD

It was midnight and everyone was asleep even the guards where sleeping either while leaning against the wall or passed out on the floor. But if you listen closely, you can faintly hear the sound of laughing and pitter-patter of feet heading towards the kitchen. "Don't worry, the chief and the guards are all asleep, now let's raid this joint", Caya shouted in a whisper as everyone rushed to different parts of the kitchen. Adora followed Catra, not for a friendly chat, but to get more answers.

"So, have you told her yet?" Catra froze before glancing at her sister who was preoccupied with stuffing her arms with random foods she liked, Catra then grabbed Adora's hand and dragged her into the shadows. "Please Adora, don't tell her, my dad, or anybody! I just found out where I belong,I don't want to lose them, I'm already running a huge risk of staying and not reporting back to him. I want to keep my family if I tell them that I was responsible for the attack on BrightMoon-." Catra paused as the awful thought of being left alone came to her mind.

Adora noticed her uneasiness and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Hey I won't tell anyone, and I promise Glimmer and Bow won't either." Catra smiles before hugging Adora and poking her forehead and laughing. "Now come on before the others start to worry." The pair walked back to the kitchen and was greeted by an angered look from Caya. "You lier", she exclaimed, but covered her mouth and looking around hoping none of the guards woke up from her outburst.

"How come you never told me that you've been to the princess ball!" Catra was shocked. Bow stood in the background with his mouth covered in shock while Glimmer had her hands on her forehead shaking it with her other hand on her hip. "Well yeah. I mean I was just there I didn't do anything though, but there was something that I did that I regret deeply though." Caya still wasn't happy, "What was it like? You know, before the attack." Catra thought back but was visibly sweating. "It was actually really fun. I got to dance and the food was actually really good, but then there was the attack, I don't know what got into me." Caya looked at her with confusion, "what do you mean?"

Adora stepped in, "She means I that she had an opportunity to escape the Horde but she didn't take it. She also had hurt my friends but I can tell she regrets that deeply." Catra rubbed her arm and looked at Glimmer and Bow with pleading and apologetic eyes. She was about to confess but Glimmer has stepped in front of her. "I accept your apology. And I'm sorry too, for judging you too soon." She pulled Catra into a tight hug,a Bow was on the verge of tears, he wailed before capturing all four of them in a tight death hug.

Catra felt pretty uncomfortable but was at ease, she jolted when she heard footsteps and it was clear that Caya heard it too. Their ears twitched as they motioned for everyone to turn off the lights and hide. The armored footsteps became louder as they put everything back and hid in various spots. The twins in the cabinets under the counter while the others hid in the broom closet. What a great hiding spot.

The footsteps had entered the kitchen and stopped right at the fridge. Catra opened the cabinet just enough to see who it was. It was D,he pulled out a can of soda before closing the fridge and walking away. "It's clear princess. No ones awake." D kicked the cabinets and opened the broom closet before walking away.

Everyone was in shock except Caya, she explained that she does this all the time and he's kind of her getaway, he comes in the kitchen late at night if no one's awake then he'd come in and let it be known but if someone was awake he'd talk with them as a signal. "So why did we hide?" Caya smiled before ruffling Bow's hair, "Just to scare you."

Catra laughed before grabbing her snacks and heading to her room,Caya followed her with a smile. The others were stunned and confused but decided it was wise to not stray from the only two people who knew their way around here.
Once inside the twins laughed, "What's so funny?" Adora looked at the twins in confusion. 'Man, they are so alike, but so different.' Caya smiled before shaking head, flopping down on the bed and eating a bag of chips. "What's that?" Caya looked at Glimmer like she was a maniac but then realized that in different kingdoms there were different foods. "I know you know what chips are, but these are only found here in my kingdom." "Oh, right." The rest of the night was filled with laughter until they all fell asleep in a pile of food and wrappers.
Well that's that. I feel like I could have done better with this chapter but I'm tired and my leg hurts like hell so this is the best I could do. I hope you like it. Bye, little nightmares.

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