Lexington Massachusetts

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(Y/N)'s POV

      once I woke up I put on Alexander's clothes I had laying on the floor. I took my trunk and left never to return because IF I come back, IF, I would get a house and settle there. I left the hotel I signed out and I got a carriage. once I got there people were looking at me like I was a walking tree. I walked over to the biggest tent and knocked on the wooden plank that was leaning up against the tent. 

"Come in."

I walked in and saw Washington at his writing desk probably writing a letter to some more applicants. 

"Who are you?"

"Jhon sir."

"Last name."

"Um, I don't know my last name, sir. see my parents died when I was still young."

"Miller it is. What size are you."

"Well right now I'm wearing an L."

"XS then."

he went over to a rather large box and grabbed a uniform after digging around a bit. he handed it to me and I took it he went back to his writing desk and continued writing.

"You will be staying with Lafayette in the tent that is behind the fire pit."

"Oh well thank you, sir."

I walked out of the tent and to lafayette's tent to put my stuff away. god, I just hope Alex isn't in there. god, I really hope Hamilton isn't in there. once I got to the tent I opened it and saw that no one was in it so I changed into my uniform. and sat on the bed. after a while of sitting there with only my thoughts to keep me company, the tent flap opened to reveal lafayette. I tried my best to hold in my excitement because I wanted to give him a big hug but I had to act like I didn't know him.

"Hey, you must be Lafayette, right."

I stood in front of him and stuck out my hand for him to shake.

"Yes, and you are?"

"I'm Jhon Miller. I just got here today so."

"Ha, yeah I could tell."

"Really I didn't know it was that obvious."

"are you fine if my friends come over here for a drink."

he went over to his bed and sat down and you did the same.

"Yeah, I don't really care."

"Great. so do you drink?"

"No, not really."

"Well, today is the day that you start."


hey, so I gave a little bit longer chapter so I hope you enjoy.

396 words

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